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References: [ +from:ka8okh@som-uky.campus.mci.net: 5 ]

Total 5 documents matching your query.

1. [CQ-Contest] Bandpass filter query (score: 1)
Author: ka8okh@som-uky.campus.mci.net (Rich Dailey, KA8OKH)
Date: Thu Apr 24 05:01:25 1997
Is there an external bandpass filter design out there that will pass, say, 80 (or 40,20,15)m cw, but attenuate the ssb portion at least 25db or so? tnx... rich -- Rich Dailey - KA8OKH <ka8okh@som-uky
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-04/msg00264.html (6,676 bytes)

2. [CQ-Contest] OS's & logging (score: 1)
Author: ka8okh@som-uky.campus.mci.net (Rich Dailey, KA8OKH)
Date: Sat Jun 7 16:24:36 1997
What advancements could Windows (95/97/nt...etc) bring to contest logging software? Would it be worth the trouble? Would networking be easier/more reliable? This might be a good topic for discussion
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-06/msg00111.html (8,021 bytes)

3. [CQ-Contest] OS's & logging (score: 1)
Author: ka8okh@som-uky.campus.mci.net (Rich Dailey, KA8OKH)
Date: Sat Jun 7 16:24:36 1997
What advancements could Windows (95/97/nt...etc) bring to contest logging software? Would it be worth the trouble? Would networking be easier/more reliable? This might be a good topic for discussion
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-06/msg00379.html (7,995 bytes)

4. [CQ-Contest] OS's & logging (score: 1)
Author: ka8okh@som-uky.campus.mci.net (Rich Dailey, KA8OKH)
Date: Sat Jun 7 16:24:36 1997
What advancements could Windows (95/97/nt...etc) bring to contest logging software? Would it be worth the trouble? Would networking be easier/more reliable? This might be a good topic for discussion
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-06/msg00446.html (7,950 bytes)

5. [CQ-Contest] Proximity to Substation (score: 1)
Author: ka8okh@som-uky.campus.mci.net (Rich Dailey, KA8OKH)
Date: Tue Oct 14 01:31:01 1997
-- I know we're all geared for the big "season", so don't let this posting distract you. Just save it for later, when the dust has settled. But I would appreciate your input. - Rich -- Well, after 2
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1997-10/msg00164.html (8,952 bytes)

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