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References: [ +from:ehayes@vnet.IBM.COM: 134 ]

Total 134 documents matching your query.

61. Contest Laptops (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Wed Aug 14 10:33:19 1996
My old PS/2 Model 70 acts like it's on its last leg. Sometimes it refuses to start up. I think it's the power supply and I really don't want to fool with getting hardware that old and downlevel repai
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-08/msg00157.html (6,824 bytes)

62. Contest Laptops (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Wed Aug 14 10:33:19 1996
My old PS/2 Model 70 acts like it's on its last leg. Sometimes it refuses to start up. I think it's the power supply and I really don't want to fool with getting hardware that old and downlevel repai
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-08/msg00158.html (6,826 bytes)

63. BAND PLAN's (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Wed Oct 2 11:52:54 1996
During the major DX phone contests, there are always DX stations calling CQ in the CW portion of 40M. They are, of course, listening up in the phone segment as well as on their xmitting freq. Where c
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-10/msg00009.html (7,729 bytes)

64. Band Plan Summary (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Mon Oct 7 10:53:18 1996
Last week, I asked for info on band plans for other countries. Unfortunately, I rec'd more requests for a summary than I did band plans. I did learn that most other countries can only use from 7.0 to
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-10/msg00049.html (11,987 bytes)

65. 40M Vertical/80M Inv L (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Tue Oct 29 08:57:30 1996
During the contest last weekend, I noticed several times that my old quarter wave 40M vertical was better than my half slopers. I had planned on removing the vertical and putting a 80M inverted L (do
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-10/msg00187.html (37,166 bytes)

66. BAND PLAN's (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Wed Oct 2 11:52:54 1996
During the major DX phone contests, there are always DX stations calling CQ in the CW portion of 40M. They are, of course, listening up in the phone segment as well as on their xmitting freq. Where c
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-10/msg00221.html (7,703 bytes)

67. Band Plan Summary (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Mon Oct 7 10:53:18 1996
Last week, I asked for info on band plans for other countries. Unfortunately, I rec'd more requests for a summary than I did band plans. I did learn that most other countries can only use from 7.0 to
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-10/msg00222.html (12,003 bytes)

68. 40M Vertical/80M Inv L (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Tue Oct 29 08:57:30 1996
During the contest last weekend, I noticed several times that my old quarter wave 40M vertical was better than my half slopers. I had planned on removing the vertical and putting a 80M inverted L (do
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-10/msg00225.html (37,194 bytes)

69. BAND PLAN's (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Wed Oct 2 11:52:54 1996
During the major DX phone contests, there are always DX stations calling CQ in the CW portion of 40M. They are, of course, listening up in the phone segment as well as on their xmitting freq. Where c
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-10/msg00226.html (7,703 bytes)

70. Band Plan Summary (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Mon Oct 7 10:53:18 1996
Last week, I asked for info on band plans for other countries. Unfortunately, I rec'd more requests for a summary than I did band plans. I did learn that most other countries can only use from 7.0 to
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-10/msg00227.html (12,037 bytes)

71. 40M Vertical/80M Inv L (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Tue Oct 29 08:57:30 1996
During the contest last weekend, I noticed several times that my old quarter wave 40M vertical was better than my half slopers. I had planned on removing the vertical and putting a 80M inverted L (do
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1996-10/msg00230.html (37,194 bytes)

72. RS232 INTERFACE (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Thu Apr 13 14:35:49 1995
I have been trying to determine what contest and/or general logging program I will use and have decided to go ahead and search for an interface as well. The ICOM one that would go with my IC 737 is a
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-04/msg00066.html (11,991 bytes)

73. RS232 INTERFACE (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Tue Apr 18 15:28:48 1995
First, thanks to all that responded to my query on the various interfaces. I am waiting on some of those I contacted for info on their specific products. In the meantime, I built the one described in
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-04/msg00107.html (21,735 bytes)

74. RS232 INTERFACE (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Thu Apr 13 14:35:49 1995
I have been trying to determine what contest and/or general logging program I will use and have decided to go ahead and search for an interface as well. The ICOM one that would go with my IC 737 is a
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-04/msg00126.html (12,099 bytes)

75. RS232 INTERFACE (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Tue Apr 18 15:28:48 1995
First, thanks to all that responded to my query on the various interfaces. I am waiting on some of those I contacted for info on their specific products. In the meantime, I built the one described in
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-04/msg00127.html (21,750 bytes)

76. RS232 INTERFACE (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Thu Apr 13 14:35:49 1995
I have been trying to determine what contest and/or general logging program I will use and have decided to go ahead and search for an interface as well. The ICOM one that would go with my IC 737 is a
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-04/msg00174.html (12,201 bytes)

77. RS232 INTERFACE (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Tue Apr 18 15:28:48 1995
First, thanks to all that responded to my query on the various interfaces. I am waiting on some of those I contacted for info on their specific products. In the meantime, I built the one described in
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-04/msg00175.html (21,750 bytes)

78. RS232 INTERFACE (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Thu Apr 13 14:35:49 1995
I have been trying to determine what contest and/or general logging program I will use and have decided to go ahead and search for an interface as well. The ICOM one that would go with my IC 737 is a
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-04/msg00177.html (12,201 bytes)

79. RS232 INTERFACE (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Tue Apr 18 15:28:48 1995
First, thanks to all that responded to my query on the various interfaces. I am waiting on some of those I contacted for info on their specific products. In the meantime, I built the one described in
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-04/msg00178.html (21,750 bytes)

80. RS232 INTERFACE (score: 1)
Author: ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM (ehayes@VNET.IBM.COM)
Date: Thu Apr 13 14:35:49 1995
I have been trying to determine what contest and/or general logging program I will use and have decided to go ahead and search for an interface as well. The ICOM one that would go with my IC 737 is a
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1995-04/msg00180.html (12,198 bytes)

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