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Total 161 documents matching your query.

21. Re: [CQ-Contest] NCJ Sprint Log Entry Form (score: 1)
Author: Bruce Horn <>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 07:17:35 -0700
At 09:45 AM 9/8/2003 -0500, Kenneth E. Harker wrote: If you are submitting your North American CW Sprint Log via the online manual entry form, double-check the date that the form automatically genera
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2003-09/msg00085.html (8,116 bytes)

22. [CQ-Contest] Jan 2003 NAQP CW and SSB Results (score: 1)
Author: Bruce Horn <>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 22:09:19 -0800
The January 2003 NAQP CW and SSB results are now available on the National Contest Journal web site: (click on "Results" under NAQP in the left column and use the w
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2003-11/msg00507.html (8,150 bytes)

23. [CQ-Contest] August 2000 NAQP SSB Results (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Thu Jan 18 20:55:06 2001
Hi, The results of the August 2000 NAQP SSB Contest will be published in the Mar-Apr 2001 issue of the NCJ, but are available now in pdf format on the NCJ web site at:
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2001-01/msg00096.html (7,199 bytes)

24. [CQ-Contest] Comparison of Contest Scores (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Thu May 17 10:56:11 2001
Hi, In order to aid the process of selecting USA nominees for WRTC-2002, I've created a database of domestic contest results (NAQP, Sprint, Sweepstakes) for the years 1998-2000. In order to provide a
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/2001-05/msg00198.html (8,603 bytes)

25. [CQ-Contest] On/Off Times in NAQP (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Thu Jun 17 00:26:32 1999
i I realize that the recent discussion about contest off times has centered around the WPX contest, but I thought I would provide a definitive answer for the NAQP contests, another contest that limit
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1999-06/msg00119.html (7,683 bytes)

26. [CQ-Contest] On/Off Times in NAQP (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Thu Jun 17 00:26:32 1999
i I realize that the recent discussion about contest off times has centered around the WPX contest, but I thought I would provide a definitive answer for the NAQP contests, another contest that limit
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1999-06/msg00282.html (7,684 bytes)

27. [CQ-Contest] How to Count DC in NAQP (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Thu Jul 29 22:27:24 1999
In the NAQP SSB/CW Contests the District of Columbia counts as Maryland. I'll add this to our list of items to clarify in the 2000 update of the rules. NAQP CW 1800Z, Aug 7 to 0600Z, Aug 8 NAQP SSB 1
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1999-07/msg00098.html (7,526 bytes)

28. [CQ-Contest] How to Count DC in NAQP (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Thu Jul 29 22:27:24 1999
In the NAQP SSB/CW Contests the District of Columbia counts as Maryland. I'll add this to our list of items to clarify in the 2000 update of the rules. NAQP CW 1800Z, Aug 7 to 0600Z, Aug 8 NAQP SSB 1
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1999-07/msg00222.html (7,483 bytes)

29. [CQ-Contest] ARRL 10 Meter Not-In-Log (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Mon Aug 9 21:44:52 1999
Some comments on log checking: ZL1ANJ's example 1: The task for the log checking software and human log checker in this case is to decide whether K1TTT worked ZL1ANJ, but miss-copied the call sign, o
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1999-08/msg00077.html (11,468 bytes)

30. [CQ-Contest] Grid Square Contest (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Mon Aug 23 22:04:03 1999
The TOEC WW Grid Contest, CW is this coming weekend: 1200Z, Aug 28 to 1200Z, Aug 29 Exchange: RST + 4-character grid square Multipliers are the field (first two characters of the grid square) QSO poi
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1999-08/msg00189.html (7,560 bytes)

31. [CQ-Contest] ARRL 10 Meter Not-In-Log (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Mon Aug 9 21:44:52 1999
Some comments on log checking: ZL1ANJ's example 1: The task for the log checking software and human log checker in this case is to decide whether K1TTT worked ZL1ANJ, but miss-copied the call sign, o
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1999-08/msg00338.html (11,469 bytes)

32. [CQ-Contest] Grid Square Contest (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Mon Aug 23 22:04:03 1999
The TOEC WW Grid Contest, CW is this coming weekend: 1200Z, Aug 28 to 1200Z, Aug 29 Exchange: RST + 4-character grid square Multipliers are the field (first two characters of the grid square) QSO poi
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1999-08/msg00450.html (7,560 bytes)

33. [CQ-Contest] Cabrillo format (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Fri Oct 1 11:10:04 1999
My understanding of the format (which I commented on in its draft form) is that all QSOs are included, whether they were identified by the submitting contester as dupes or not. The underlying philoso
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1999-10/msg00001.html (7,850 bytes)

34. [CQ-Contest] Contest Calendar Vers.98.2 (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Tue Feb 10 22:10:56 1998
CONTEST CALENDAR February 10, 1998 Edition (98.2) Please send corrections and additions directly to me. I will post an updated calendar every two months. Thanks to K5DJ, I2UIY, JE1CKA, VE2PIJ, N4MIO,
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-02/msg00084.html (18,215 bytes)

35. [CQ-Contest] cqww log checking (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Sat Mar 14 21:43:17 1998
This was also my experience -- a well known contester didn't bother to log our QSO on 20m that I made for a zone mult. At the time he was CQing without response, and I know it was a real QSO. At leas
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-03/msg00270.html (8,129 bytes)

36. [CQ-Contest] 1998 Visalia International DX Convention (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Sun Mar 15 11:26:37 1998
INTERNATIONAL DX CONVENTION VISALIA, CALIFORNIA MAY 1-3, 1998 The preliminary program has the following sessions of possible interest to contesters: * Contest stations from the government, presented
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-03/msg00277.html (7,257 bytes)

37. [CQ-Contest] IARU Mults (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Fri Jul 10 22:14:17 1998
Upon reading the 1998 IARU rules (QST, Apr 1998, p. 109), my initial reaction was to agree with Bill, W4AN, that each IARU official worked counted as a multiplier. Rules quote: "8) Multipliers. Total
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-07/msg00102.html (7,137 bytes)

38. [CQ-Contest] Contest Calendar.Vers.98.7 (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Tue Jul 21 09:44:33 1998
CONTEST CALENDAR July 21, 1998 Edition (98.7) Please send corrections and additions directly to me. I will post an updated calendar every two or three months. A web version of this calendar is availa
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-07/msg00183.html (17,545 bytes)

39. [CQ-Contest] IARU Mults (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Fri Jul 10 22:14:17 1998
Upon reading the 1998 IARU rules (QST, Apr 1998, p. 109), my initial reaction was to agree with Bill, W4AN, that each IARU official worked counted as a multiplier. Rules quote: "8) Multipliers. Total
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-07/msg00342.html (7,158 bytes)

40. [CQ-Contest] Contest Calendar.Vers.98.7 (score: 1)
Author: (Bruce Horn)
Date: Tue Jul 21 09:44:33 1998
CONTEST CALENDAR July 21, 1998 Edition (98.7) Please send corrections and additions directly to me. I will post an updated calendar every two or three months. A web version of this calendar is availa
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1998-07/msg00390.html (17,564 bytes)

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