Those of us who elect to operate Unassisted view the use of Spotting Networks, Skimmers etc., the same way. Crutches. The real challenge is to find the stations ourselves. From your various contest e
George, AA7JV, is using Starlink from his catamaran. He's also used it to operate his RIB (Radio in a Box) including remotely via another op in California. He's the guy to ask. https://www.dx-world.n
With all due respect Sir, its Irish Whiskey! Happy Saint Patricks Day to those who know the difference. 73, Patrick, W7TMT ________________________________ From: TowerTalk <towertalk-bounces@contesti
Brian, VE3MGY published an article in CQ Magazine back in February of 2005 titled "Putting Your Heart into Your Hobby". Brian's contest results suggest that his approach is proven to be of value. You
Jeff, I'm a huge fan of this idea. I was thrilled when the ARRL added it to their contest structure. One can see the value for this given the list of stations entering this category in each ARRL cont
Art, Your split thing sounds interesting as does the Mouse wheel however N1MM has, to my mind at least, a far better option for the off-frequency folks. If you are in the Run mode, the Up and Down ar