Also try this link: K9GX _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing list
We should all be asking N1ND how and why this happened. The NAQP CW has always been the 2nd weekend of Janaury. The RTTY Roundup has always been the 1st weekend of January....Except for this year, wh
During CQWW CW, the behavior of most of the top-10 single-op DX stations was deplorable, especially during the first 24 hours ! As a single-op, all-band, NON-packet, unassisted participant, it is dow
He definitely is. _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing list
Jose, I think ZD8Z is a bad example for you, because he ends QSOs with his call ONLY, so unless the ZD8Z clone ends his QSOs with silence, your math falls apart. 73, Steve K8LX ______________________
Author: Steve Root <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 11:55:21 +0000
That was an interesting exercise Jose, but it too see that difference in scoring you have to make some big assumptions: 1) You would need a continuous 48 hour long pile up. 2) Nobody would ever miss
Hi All Just had verbal confirmation that the Dragon ARC, Isle of Anglesey, Wales have been issued with GB2ANG sp call to mark the end of Anglesey Islands status as IOTA EU124. Sadly the Islands statu
iS THIS ON cd=rw DISKS? cd=r? _______________________________________________ CT-User mailing list CT on the web: http://ww
Author: Steve Root <>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 19:19:31 +0000
In a typical Sprint, 20 meters at 0000Z is already to long to be of any use to us up here. It's very common to have all of your CQ's ignored and not be able to first call anybody. And that's wioth st
Hello Pete, Operating form a location "out West" does have some disadvantages, for example when the band is just starting to open for you and it's already closing in interesting places like the Middl
How you use that stack will depend on where you are, too. If you're in a position to do a lot of running, the stack will offer an advantage because of a better "foot print". If you can only run some
My wife thinks we're all crazy. I don't think I want a professional opinion that might agree with her! 73 Steve K0SR _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing list CQ-Contes
Author: "Mark Steven Williams" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 17:26:38 -0000
Hams aren't so crazy. My other avocation is astronomy. Instead of sitting in front of a radio for 48 hours this weekend I'm about to haul 2 telescopes, boxes full of accessories, sleeping bags, batte
Dear Contesters, I have been in many contests over the years. RTTY, CW and SSB. They have helped me sharpen my operating skills. And they are fun! I am now a Net Control Station for the Intercontinen
Ken, Thanks for your response. Don't think I ws asking a whole lot with my original posting here. We all know that no one own's any particular frequency. What is important to anyone is a personal cho
K4IK makes an excellent point. The view from this operating desk is that every radio has a VFO knob, most have pass band tuning, many have IF filters, most have audio pass band filtering. I have neve
Still a tough call. Would you risk losing your license to save somebody's life? In a stituation like a traffic accident minutes mean everything and there probably isn't time to go through proper chan
K0SR didn't write that, N7MAL did. I was arguing against that viewpoint. 73 Steve K0SR -- Original Message -- decide, somebody's and _______________________________________________ CQ-Contest mailing
<br><br><br>In my reading of the RigBlaster Pro information, I still don't have an answer to my question. Does it provide memories for voice recording or does that get relegated to the hard drive?<br