Happy New Year everyone! I have tried many times to contact N8BJQ regarding the sponsoring of WPX plaques. Unfortunately, I never got a response. Furthermore, I don't think I am the only one that has
Hello All I was at a local hamfest today talking to an ARRL official about the changes for QST contest scores etc. I noticed they had NCJ subscription sheets on the table and I asked how the NCJ was
Since we are on the topic of Sprint "overlaps"... The September 2002 SSB Sprint and the WAEDC SSB are on the same weekend... WAEDC SSB 2002 14/15 September, 0000 UTC Saturday to 2359 UTC Sunday NA Sp
As part of my goal setting for this year's WAE CW contest, I took the top 5 S/O USA WAE CW scores from 1974-2000 and came up with the following "millionaires"...Great job by all! Interesting to see t
WAE CW is in nine weeks! I would like you to consider operating in the WAE contest: CW is August 11th and 12th. SSB is September 8th and 9th. http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fedcw.htm The WAE is reall
SMC won the unlimited club category for Sweepstakes 2000... Will SMC also show we can kick some RF around for WAE? Will SMC waken more "sleeping giants"? FRC, YCCC, PVRC, FCG...? Can YOU afford to no
I have come to the conclusion... that it is far easier for people to pick apart a contest rule(s) and use that as an excuse to not operate in the contest, than it is to actually get on the air and op
W4AN is doing a M/O for WAE CW, so I decided to look up the Top 5 M/O USA: Note: the overall (linear) rate is (QSOs+QTCs)/48 Yr Call Final QSOs QTCs Mults Overall rate 1993 KC1XX 1,808,352 1,933 1,93
I need another contest...I'm looking up scores way too much! Ha! Here's the WAE SSB Top 4 M/O USA: Yr Call Final QSOs QTCs Mults "Linear" Rate 2000 K2NG 2,246,013 2,137 2,030 539 86.8 2000 KC1YR 2,02
The Society of Midwest Contesters http://www.probeelectronics.com/smc/ would like to invite you to the Dayton Hooters http://hooters.Know-Where.com/hooters/cgi/site?114 Thursday, May 18th, beginning
The Society of Midwest Contesters http://www.probeelectronics.com/smc/ would like to invite you (yes you!) to the Dayton Hooters http://hooters.Know-Where.com/hooters/cgi/site?114 this Thursday, May