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References: [ +from:Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de: 14 ]

Total 14 documents matching your query.

1. First try de DF4RD (score: 1)
Date: Wed Mar 25 07:45:00 1992
Hello everybody, let me introduce: Name is Dieter, callsign is DF4RD and I'm a member of the Bavarian Contest Club. QRL-QTH: University of Erlangen/Nuremberg in Nothern-Bavaria. I want to pass a requ
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-03/msg00041.html (6,980 bytes)

2. WPX-Contest: QSL-Informations (score: 1)
Date: Tue Mar 31 05:59:00 1992
Hello, maybe it might be interesting for someone (e.g. Prefix-collectors, ..) 73 de Dieter, DF4RD (Member of the Bavarian Contest Club) EMail: DIPPEL@CNVE.RRZE.UNI-ERLANGEN.DBP.DE DXNEWS @WW de:ON4VT
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-03/msg00064.html (9,481 bytes)

Author: Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Mon Jun 15 07:52:00 1992
Hallo DXers and Contesters, some members of the Bavarian Contest Club are trying to work the famous County-Award. The are looking for DOS-Software (Freeware, Public Domain, Shareware, ...) to handle
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-06/msg00028.html (6,744 bytes)

4. ham radio in Friedrichshafen (DL) (score: 1)
Author: Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Mon Jun 15 08:20:00 1992
Hallo readers, contesters and dxers, the traditional ham meeting in Friedrichshafen (Lake Bodensee) south-west-Germany (close to the Austrian-, Swiss- and French-border) will be from the 26th of June
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-06/msg00029.html (7,236 bytes)

Author: Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Thu Jul 2 07:04:00 1992
Hallo DXers and Contesters, some members of the Bavarian Contest Club are trying to work the famous County-Award. The are looking for DOS-Software (Freeware, Public Domain, Shareware, ...) to handle
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-07/msg00007.html (6,880 bytes)

6. gateways internet <=> packet radio ?? (score: 1)
Author: Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Mon Jul 20 08:06:00 1992
Hi contesters and dxers, does anybody know if there are gateways where it might be possible to go from the internet, telnet, ..... into the packet radio network. I remember there were possiblities on
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-07/msg00026.html (6,728 bytes)

7. QSL-ROUTES 10/92 (useful !?) (score: 1)
Author: Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Tue Oct 6 08:12:00 1992
Hi de Dieter, DF4RD maybe it might be useful for someone (e.g. dx-cluster) Dieter Dippel (DF4RD) EMail (X.400): DIPPEL@RRZE.CNVE.UNI-ERLANGEN.DBP.DE Packet Radio (AX.25): DF4RD@DB0BOX.DE.EU DX-Cluste
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-10/msg00009.html (20,033 bytes)

8. CQWWDX-Country-File for CT ? (score: 1)
Author: Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Thu Oct 8 08:58:00 1992
Hello contesters, does anybody have an updated CQWWDX.CTY-File for K1EA's CT including all the new prefixes and countries for the upcoming CQWWDX-contests. Would be great to get one for a correct cou
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-10/msg00012.html (7,044 bytes)

9. Yugoslavian Countries ok ! (score: 1)
Author: Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Fri Oct 23 08:51:00 1992
Hi folks, the seperate countries of ex-Yugoslavia are valid for the WAE-Award. As You know in the CQWWDX-Contest not only the DXCC-list is the Multi-database, the list of the WAE (Worked All European
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-10/msg00046.html (7,310 bytes)

10. CQWWDX-SSB: qsl-infos ! (score: 1)
Author: Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Mon Nov 2 07:03:00 1992
Hi contesters, some qsl-infos downloaded from my local PR-Mailbox. Maybe it might be interesting for somebody ??!! 73 de Dieter, DF4RD (CQWWDX-SSB M/S DL5NAM: 2.9 million points) Dieter Dippel (DF4RD
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-11/msg00004.html (8,162 bytes)

11. qsl-infos de DL9WVM (score: 1)
Author: Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Thu Nov 12 15:38:00 1992
Hi contesters and dxers, maybe it might be useful for You or Your local dx-cluster 73 de Dieter, DF4RD S ALL QSL ROUTES de DL9WVM * 11/92 de DL9WVM @ DB0ERF QSL-ROUTES RELEASE 11/92 ** *1A0KM(3/7/92)
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-11/msg00089.html (19,466 bytes)

12. QSL-INFOS 12/92 de DL9WVM (score: 1)
Author: Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Wed Dec 9 07:18:00 1992
DX @WW de:DL9WVM 06.12.92 01:53 30 QSL ROUTES * RELEASE 12/92 (1) de DL9WVM @ DB0RSV QSL-ROUTES RELEASE 12/92 ** *3B8FE(3/91) NK6F *FO0M F5IN *PY5ZAF(=NOW=>) KW8T * *3B8FE(=TRY=>) 3B8CF *FO0OJ(=NOW=>
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-12/msg00105.html (16,175 bytes)

13. DXNL-No.: 822 de DARC (score: 1)
Author: Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Wed Dec 9 07:32:00 1992
DX @WW de:DL3HAH 07.12.92 08:02 30 11256 Bytes DXNL.822 de DL3HAH @ DB0HB DXNL 822 - Dec 7, 1992 DX-NEWS LETTER published weekly by the DARC e.V. DX and HF-Radio Sport Section Editor: Thomas T Milde,
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-12/msg00106.html (17,756 bytes)

14. DXNL-No.: 823 de DARC (score: 1)
Author: Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Wed Dec 16 15:42:00 1992
DX @WW de:DL3HAH 14.12.92 05:23 30 11709 Bytes DXNL.823 921214/0339z DB0FP , 921214/0341z DB0DNI, 921214/0330z DK0MAV 921214/0413a DB0AGM, 921213/1201z DB0HB de DL3HAH @ DB0HB DXNL 823 - Dec 14, 1992
/archives//html/CQ-Contest/1992-12/msg00188.html (17,637 bytes)

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