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Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [Amps] 3 Phase Transformer Expertise Needed (score: 251)
Author: vk3hz at (David Smith)
Date: Tue Jun 3 08:32:46 2003
I recently obtained a big 3-phase transformer that could be useful if the lights flicker too much with my single phase PSU! However, I need some help in working out what DC voltage and current the tr
/archives//html/Amps/2003-06/msg00007.html (7,616 bytes)

2. [Amps] Re: one PS two RFdecks (score: 251)
Author: vk3hz at (David Smith)
Date: Fri May 30 08:54:54 2003
Ed, I'm building the same only with three RF decks (2m, 70cm & 23cm). Firstly, you should interlock the PTT lines so that only one can be keyed at a time. That way, you can have heaters/blowers on fo
/archives//html/Amps/2003-05/msg00233.html (8,540 bytes)

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