Go to Digikey.com and search (search box on top of page) for 'Caddock mp9100' and it will take you right to the page: http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?lang=en&site=US&keywords=cad
To amplify what Carl said technically and Colin's statement, I would just add that life is too short. Go ahead and use the amplifier as you need to and want to. 73 Bob, WA2CKY I have an MLA 2500 with
I think the usual idea is to increase the primary voltage by 10% - e.g. by putting a small 12V (output) transformer in series with the 120VAC line or putting a small 24 V (output) transformer in seri
Regarding the 2nd point - yes, you can easily put zeners in series. But the wattages do not need to be the same necessarily - since they are in series, the same current will flow in each one and the
One thing to keep in mind - the input impedance of a GG amplifier is strongly influenced by the output tuning of the amplifier and the output levels of the amplifier. Hence the suggestion that checki
Amen, brother. Bob, WA2CKY Its even more fun when you are playing with Class C AM; a mode I have been enjoying lately again. Above a certain value you are beginning to shunt the audio riding on the D
I don't think so, Charlie. The filament AC voltage given by the manufacturer's is the 'AC RMS' value and hence is (given no distortion in the AC waveform) identical to the DC value. Bottom line: the
Dave, The input impedance of the SB-200 is a strong function of the output tuning, i.e. lots of feedback from the output to the input via the tube's capacity. Not that tuning the input is that diffic
Cleaning up the basement and finally getting at that old power amplifier in the big rack in the corner. First to go are 4 old high voltage filter capacitors - big old brutes in sealed up cans with ce
Well, your idea certainly hit home for me! Way, way back in the olden days (probably 1950'ish when I was about 8 or 9 years old), I had exactly the same idea. I was very excited about the idea, drew
Cleaning up and found this transformer - for most everyone, this is going to be too low voltage to be of much interest -- but, if no one wants it, it will given away locally or, baring that, it is go
Thanks to everyone who responded. The medium-ish power transformer was spoken for within 15 minutes or so. Whew. Wish I had known - I thought I would have trouble getting rid of it! Ha. Lots of folks
This may be a repeat email but the transformer has been sold. Thanks to everyone who responded and my apologies for not letting everyone know about the sold status earlier. The medium-ish power trans
Spent some quality time last night working in the ham shack digging in the corners and found some more goodies to sell. Put pictures in my Picassa album for interested parties to look at: <http://pic
Thanks to everyone who responded. The 10A variac and the AC and DC meters are spoken for. And the ham shack gets a little less crowded! More to come as I dig and tear stuff apart. 73 Bob, WA2CKY ____
Finally tearing down the old homebrew KW amplifiers I bought a good many years ago. This has lead to a few '..what the heck is that... and '...maybe I should just pitch that ....' type of questions.
I also found a transformer tucked in the PS control chassis that has a small'ish, open frame transformer with 6 primary taps (from 94 V to 126 V) and (measured) a 3V CT secondary. Not a big transform
The name 'Transiton' was rattling around in the back of my head - thanks for the suggestion - I think your spelling is more on the mark. I think the question of 'trashing' them is probably more a que
Getting set to sell off some vacuum variables and I have a question: when I ship them, should I set them at minimum capacity setting or at maximum capacity? I would think the answer is to ship with t
That sound's like a good idea with one added proviso - the cap inside has to be kept isolated (as much as possible) from shocks and vibration. But I do like the idea of the rigid (yet fairly inexpens