Bill, The Henry 8K does 160, and all WARC bands. Of course it is also pretty expensive and out of production. Also very heavy, but you can remote the power supply and RF Deck from the operating posit
Best post this year. Mark Bitterlich WA3JPY p.s. Of course I am sure many will disagree. It has NOTHING to do with freedom. One of the FCC's functions is to establish the rules of the road for radio
I have something to say on this. For 47 years, I have worked for the Government supporting Electronic Warfare Aircraft. What has that got to do with any of this? Simple. Overall basic knowledge. The
Bill. What do you feel the intent of the FCC was when they granted Amateur Radio Licenses to American Citizens? Of course a lesson in the history of ham radio might be in order here, because there ha
Many more had power adjustment, but just for CW, I.E. "Setting the drive level" per se. Collins S Line series, KWM-2, Yaesu FT-101 up to FT-One, etc. Most of the 1980/90's vintage were like that. Rad
Sorry for writing too much lately, I usually am a "lurker". Question: I have no experience with "IMD meters" that are designed around measuring the IMD products of PSK AFSK inputs. I get the idea of
In the days before these manufactured assemblies and dipoles were made and sold, EVERYONE "homebrewed" their feedlines and antennas. those SKs must be turning over in their graves. Bill Turner commen
BTW cables and wiring used in aircraft MUST be crimped. No soldering is allowed because of the high vibration environment. Bill Turner replied: Same with the marine environment. Absolutely not true
17 year olds still join the Marines today to serve (and sometimes die) for their country. I repeat, 17 year olds. The fact that some young man or woman might decide to build a KW amp a week after get
The fact that some young man or woman might decide to build a KW amp a week after getting their ham ticket (and coming here for help to do so) does not bother me at all, in fact it shows some common
I fly airplanes and do aerobatics and fly formation. I build and drive high horsepower cars at the dragstrip. I shoot high powered rifles at long range (some would refer to these as "Sniper Rifles").
Author: mark bitterlich <>
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2017 13:05:03 -0500
"Grow up"? Excuse me if I enjoy something you do not. Key word: "enjoy". It's been my experience that the longer you have been a ham, the less likely you are to take direction from others regarding
Sadly "QRO" does not stand much of a chance against cell phones. However, there are devices out there that are available that will. Of course, the FCC takes a dim view on cell phone jammers, as do ma
So I have this airplane. Not a Cessna 150, but not a B-52 either. Jet with with about 30 KW available as the power source. The transmitter consists of a phased combiner with four PA stages adding up
Carl, the transmitter ranges from 60 MHz, to 500 MHz. David, the reason for that much power is that it is used for jamming. Bob Moody, it is impossible to radiate this transmitter on the ground. Ther
I'm sure the survivors of the Titanic might disagree. Mark Bitterlich WA3JPY P.S. It's amazing even today how many people know Morse Code for "SOS". Even with a flashlight. Even with a car horn. Even
Author: mark bitterlich <>
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 16:38:34 -0400
REPLY: I'm sure if the Titanic radio op had voice capability he would have used it first. Of course in the Titanic case it wouldn't have mattered since the only ship listening was too far away. 73, B
You answered your own question: "I can't prove it but I suspect a scream for help will be far more effective." Quote: Bill W6WRT -- ORIGINAL MESSAGE --(may be snipped) CW is the most basic form of co
"I'm sure if the Titanic radio op had voice capability he would have used it first. Of course in the Titanic case it wouldn't have mattered since the only ship listening was too far away. " Bill W6WR
Author: mark bitterlich <>
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 23:48:55 -0400
Here it is: The op used Morse because radio voice equipment hadn't been installed on the Titanic. This was the era of spark, remember. As I speculated, if good voice equipment was available, I'm sur