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Total 33 documents matching your query.

1. [Amps] Transformer question (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Fri May 9 08:47:21 2003
Hi Jeff, What you have is a ferro-resonant transformer. That was used quite extensively in battery chargers for the marine industry. It provides a fairly good regulation with wide variations in load
/archives//html/Amps/2003-05/msg00066.html (10,914 bytes)

2. [Amps] tubes (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Thu Apr 10 18:12:16 2003
Hi Carl, Yes they are probably going bad. The shiny spots are the start of holes being burned in the plates. 811s should never be run with any color at all. Also I think that amp has only 3 tubes? If
/archives//html/Amps/2003-04/msg00107.html (7,039 bytes)

3. [Amps] Question about ampifiers (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Sun Apr 13 22:15:27 2003
Hi Carlos, If you are getting your power from a 3 phase line, and you have 120 volts then there should be only 208 volts across the two phases. I ran into that problem at a military installation I wa
/archives//html/Amps/2003-04/msg00127.html (8,746 bytes)

4. [Amps] Question about ampifiers (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Mon Apr 14 10:33:08 2003
If you have a standard delta connection then you will only have one voltage available. Without other transformers of course. With a 3 phase wye connection (which I assumed that it is if you have two
/archives//html/Amps/2003-04/msg00137.html (9,725 bytes)

5. [Amps] NCL 2000 (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Wed Apr 16 11:37:38 2003
A large bungy cord would probably hold it in. 73 Gary K4FMX
/archives//html/Amps/2003-04/msg00173.html (7,326 bytes)

6. [Amps] Central Electronics 600L (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Mon Apr 21 09:06:24 2003
I think there is a description of the tank circuit in the manual? If not try the manual for the 100V or 200V. They have the same type of circuit in the tanks. They are quite complex as to their opera
/archives//html/Amps/2003-04/msg00199.html (7,773 bytes)

7. [Amps] 8877s, ETO and the General Electric Contract (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Tue Mar 4 19:59:20 2003
Easiest way to "move on to something more interesting" is to post something more interesting! 73 Gary K4FMX
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00136.html (9,674 bytes)

8. [Amps] Why hasn't solid state replaced tubes? (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Tue Mar 4 22:37:01 2003
3rd order distortion is usually quite a bit higher than 5th or higher levels. 3rd order products are usually the ones that cause the most problems, so are the ones looked at most. Remember that 3rd o
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00148.html (12,079 bytes)

9. [Amps] Why hasn't solid state replaced tubes? (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Wed Mar 5 15:26:34 2003
CORRECTION: (I should be awake when writing). The above would be true if IM happened in the audio section but not if in the RF section. That should be 2A -B = C. The 2A + B products fall well outside
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00201.html (10,222 bytes)

10. [Amps] Why hasn't solid state replaced tubes? (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Wed Mar 5 16:07:16 2003
Hi Ian, The problem with peak hold analyses is that a particular peak only has to hit once and it becomes the same class of data as a frequency that is almost constantly present. It will tell you all
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00207.html (11,266 bytes)

11. [Amps] Alpha 86 (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Wed Mar 5 20:57:19 2003
I once used it on an 807 cap. No corona. 73 Gary K4FMX
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00221.html (8,497 bytes)

12. [Amps] Why hasn't solid state replaced tubes? (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Thu Mar 6 19:06:22 2003
Spectrum analyzers that have peak hold often have different means of averaging also. Actually your 141 kind of averages when using the long persistence. It can be done several ways. I am still not su
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00275.html (14,158 bytes)

13. [Amps] Why hasn't solid state replaced tubes? (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Thu Mar 6 19:54:58 2003
Hi Tom, If IM products are generated at RF (after filters) I don't think that there is a difference. Each signal should modulate the other equally. If some of the products are being generated at lowe
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00276.html (10,410 bytes)

14. [Amps] Why hasn't solid state replaced tubes? (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Fri Mar 7 11:25:10 2003
Hi Tom, I agree that higher order products may have little to do with low order products. My point is that in most transmitters if there are severe or harmful high order products present there are al
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00300.html (11,709 bytes)

15. [Amps] Why hasn't solid state replaced tubes? (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Fri Mar 7 13:29:48 2003
Hi Tom, I think you are right about the levels of upper and lower products having the capability of being non-symmetric. I remember reading in Termans handbook about mixers that says that the "strong
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00310.html (15,177 bytes)

16. [Amps] Believe it or not... re: REPEATER RANGE CALCULATOR (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Fri Mar 7 19:14:48 2003
They were used in the commercial two way radio sales business. I think EF Johnson came out with them supplying their dealers. It was a handy item for them to take to a customer to show how much power
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00315.html (7,994 bytes)

17. [Amps] Why hasn't solid state replaced tubes? (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Fri Mar 7 19:29:23 2003
Are you telling me that a signal that is causing splatter out 10 to 20 kc or even 100 kc is going to be clean on the opposite side band? Please reread the first sentence of post. 73 Gary K4FMX
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00316.html (11,793 bytes)

18. [Amps] Why hasn't solid state replaced tubes? (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Fri Mar 7 19:53:29 2003
If products can be heard 6-20 khz away you can almost bet that abnormal trash can be heard on the opposite side band. I am not advocating that listening on the opposite side band be the ONLY test don
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00318.html (10,603 bytes)

19. [Amps] Mailing list for parasitic osciallations. (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Thu Mar 13 10:07:31 2003
-- Reminds me of the story of the kid that sees a huge pile of horse crap in his back yard one morning. He runs and gets a shovel and starts digging. When asked what he was doing he replied "with all
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00507.html (9,353 bytes)

20. [Amps] Membership (score: 175)
Author: garyschafer at (Gary Schafer)
Date: Sun Mar 16 16:42:55 2003
Shall we burn all the books that have reference to amplifier building too? As their venom filled NO. 73 Gary K4FMX ______________________________________________
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00605.html (7,522 bytes)

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