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References: [ +from:K1LE: 64 ] [ at (Too many documents hit. Ignored) ] [ ARRL.NET: 87 ]

Total 28 documents matching your query.

1. [Amps] 2500 uF at 450V DC for $10.00 each (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Thu Jul 3 09:09:28 2003
Something additional thoughts and a question: Circuit interrupters (fuses, circuit breakers, etc.) limit fault *duration* only. This is true unless a fairly expensive class of "current limiting fuse"
/archives//html/Amps/2003-07/msg00013.html (12,113 bytes)

2. [Amps] Preparation for Amp construction (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Fri Jul 4 08:11:50 2003
Jim, what component does the shaft drive? I have a bunch of various small variable caps. If I have something that you can use, I will send it to you. I have welded steel shafts and gotten them pretty
/archives//html/Amps/2003-07/msg00027.html (9,332 bytes)

3. [Amps] TE Amplifier Current Requirement (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Tue Jul 29 23:01:54 2003
Welding cable is nice to work with and is not all that expensive considering the run is short. The welding shop may crimp lugs for you at an additional cost. If not, I don't think I would go through
/archives//html/Amps/2003-07/msg00156.html (7,193 bytes)

4. [Amps] Powering 400w mobile amplifier... (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Thu Jul 31 07:55:27 2003
Jeff, I have to agree that your grounding methods make good sense by eliminating the need to disturb the RF circuit. Also, why not just add a second negative battery-to-block connection with welding
/archives//html/Amps/2003-07/msg00167.html (9,444 bytes)

5. [Amps] Re: 160M efficiency (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Tue Jun 3 08:32:45 2003
I need a little help in understanding the entire picture correctly. I see that having additional bypass C at the plate choke base, would help prevent the power supply from becoming part of the tuned
/archives//html/Amps/2003-06/msg00006.html (9,049 bytes)

6. [Amps] 3 Phase Transformer Expertise Needed (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Thu Jun 5 08:51:09 2003
Dave, Any other info on the nameplate? Where did the transformer come from? What does it look like? What is the primary voltage? may be an industrial metering / relaying transformer. If so, this type
/archives//html/Amps/2003-06/msg00026.html (10,390 bytes)

7. [Amps] Re: Aluminum plate trick? (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Mon Jun 30 07:20:05 2003
I believe it does, Bear. I'm thinking out loud, theorizing, pulling this out of the ether, so I welcome correction, as always: We can assume that the additional transformer / chassis magnetic interac
/archives//html/Amps/2003-06/msg00243.html (8,812 bytes)

8. [Amps] Transformer question (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Thu May 8 08:54:27 2003
I have a transformer question that someone might be able to shed some light on. Last fall I picked up 3 similar power supplies at the flea market at MIT. I believe they were designed to support some
/archives//html/Amps/2003-05/msg00062.html (9,446 bytes)

9. [Amps] Transformer question (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Thu May 15 19:31:58 2003
Thank you! for the many replies to my questions pertaining to the transformer / AC capacitor combination. The output is indeed a square wave that modifies a bit with changing load. It appears that th
/archives//html/Amps/2003-05/msg00122.html (9,952 bytes)

10. [Amps] Re: PS project part2 (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Fri Apr 11 01:46:58 2003
Lynn, You might want to take a look at the circuit breaker to determine that it is functioning properly. I would try monitoring the primary current, such that you could measure and hold the peak valu
/archives//html/Amps/2003-04/msg00113.html (10,679 bytes)

11. [Amps] Re: PS project part2 (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Fri Apr 11 20:04:51 2003
Hi Pat, Often, breakers in both residential and commercial applications remain motionless for years. The result can be just as you describe: the breaker contacts fail to open when a trip is called fo
/archives//html/Amps/2003-04/msg00119.html (9,933 bytes)

12. [Amps] Question about ampifiers (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Mon Apr 14 00:33:04 2003
snip snip Unless of course it's a delta secondary or some configuration other than grounded wye, which is most common in the US. In a lab where I once worked, the power supply was 480/277 and 120/208
/archives//html/Amps/2003-04/msg00130.html (9,461 bytes)

13. [Amps] Toroidal Tank Coils (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Mon Mar 3 12:42:48 2003
end, system. Either phase Is not what you describe, the phase shift caused by the entire network? ie: EI angle at C-tune vs EI angle at C-load? Rich speaks of the E I shift in an inductor which is so
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00061.html (9,835 bytes)

14. [Amps] Solidstate amps (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Mon Mar 3 14:29:45 2003
The audio folks are doing it. 2200W Bridge mono into 8 ohms...21Lbs!...2 rack spaces! Qsc has a good reputation too. Has anyone looked at the drawbac
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00067.html (6,554 bytes)

15. [Amps] New question (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Wed Mar 5 00:57:53 2003
I'm working in a 2 meter solid state 100 Watt PA using a pair of 2SC2694's in parallel, with a Pi network output. The Pi network components are fixed except for a trimmer cap in the load position. Wi
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00150.html (7,729 bytes)

16. [Amps] Arcing (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Fri Mar 7 11:35:48 2003
Thanks, Rich & Marv, Great explanation! Fills in some missing holes in my memory and gives me something to think on. I once accidentally opened the secondary relaying circuit on a CT in a 4kv system
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00301.html (12,497 bytes)

17. [Amps] New question (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Fri Mar 7 22:48:30 2003
soldering this both), Thanks, Steve, this is good information. You're right that there is a learning curve. What do you use to break away the insulation? I started with a knife and switched to a drem
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00320.html (7,586 bytes)

18. [Amps] Test (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Sun Mar 9 22:35:32 2003
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00411.html (6,215 bytes)

19. [Amps] Up thru the CB ranks (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Sun Mar 16 22:29:21 2003
Yes, I'll confess to that...some 30 years ago. All my CB buddies, building GG sweep tube amps, told me that anything grid driven would be unstable, oscillate, and just be unusable. That was just the
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00613.html (7,483 bytes)

20. [Amps] Need a Capacitor- help (score: 164)
Author: K1LE at ARRL.NET (Jeffrey Madore)
Date: Mon Mar 17 01:01:24 2003
I have a 100w, 144Mhz solid state PA board that I am repairing. I back-burnered it for a while but really want to get it completed. I only need one component; an smt capacitor that is in the "antenna
/archives//html/Amps/2003-03/msg00615.html (8,614 bytes)

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