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References: [ +from:oolon@eskimo.com: 9 ]

Total 9 documents matching your query.

1. [3830] CQWW CW K7ED SOSB/10 QRP (score: 1)
Author: oolon@eskimo.com (oolon@eskimo.com)
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1999 20:09:25 -0500 (EST)
CQ Worldwide DX Contest - CW Call: K7ED Operator(s): WA0RJY Station: K7ED Class: SOSB/10 QRP Operating Time (hrs): Summary: Band QSOs Zones Countries -- 160: 80: 40: 20: 15: 10: 281 30 79 -- Total: 2
/archives//html/3830/1999-11/msg01086.html (7,568 bytes)

2. [3830] CQWW SSB K7ED SOASB/15 LP (score: 1)
Author: oolon@eskimo.com (oolon@eskimo.com)
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 22:44:30 -0500 (EST)
CQ Worldwide DX Contest - SSB Call: K7ED Operator(s): WA0RJY Station: K7ED Class: SOASB/15 LP Operating Time (hrs): 20 Summary: Band QSOs Zones Countries -- 160: 80: 40: 20: 15: 453 35 105 10: -- Tot
/archives//html/3830/1999-10/msg00050.html (7,253 bytes)

3. [3830] K7ED CQWW CW SOABLPUA (score: 1)
Author: oolon@eskimo.com (Jack Fleming)
Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 03:44:43 -0800
Great weekend! A personal best and if I had known how close to a million points I would end up, I would have slept less and not wandered away from the radio as much... Fun to have 10 meters back! Jus
/archives//html/3830/1998-12/msg00002.html (8,004 bytes)

4. [3830] K7ED SS CW QRP (WA0RJY op.) (score: 1)
Author: oolon@eskimo.com (Jack Fleming)
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 03:25:11 -0800
438 x 77 (missed VE2 and Maine) = 67,452 19 hours I hate solar flares! ** Jack Fleming WA0RJY (K7ED in contests) oolon@eskimo.com Seattle, WA http://www.eskimo.com/~oolon/ DON'T PANIC! ** -- FAQ on W
/archives//html/3830/1998-11/msg00153.html (6,761 bytes)

5. [3830] K7ED Phone SS 79x79 (score: 1)
Author: oolon@eskimo.com (Jack Fleming)
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 04:44:11 -0800
K7ED (WA0RJY op.) Low Power Unassisted 79 QSOs + 79 Sections = Minimalist Sweep 12482 points Fun conditions, lots of room with 10 meters nicely open both days. Took 7 hours and 20 minutes of operatin
/archives//html/3830/1998-11/msg00436.html (13,820 bytes)

6. [3830] K7ED ARRL Phone SOLPSB15U (score: 1)
Author: oolon@eskimo.com (Jack Fleming)
Date: Sun, 8 Mar 1998 16:28:42 -0800 (PST)
Contest Dates : 07-Mar-98, 08-Mar-98 Callsign Used : K7ED Operator : WA0RJY Category : Single Op, Single Band (15), Low Power (100w), Unassisted Default Exchange : 59WA Name : Jack Fleming Address :
/archives//html/3830/1998-03/msg00109.html (7,138 bytes)

7. [3830] K7ED Superstation SS CW (score: 1)
Author: oolon@eskimo.com (Jack Fleming)
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 1997 21:33:35 -0800 (PST)
Lots of fun, but I remembered why I don't especially enjoy domestic contests - on 40 and 80 I had S6 noise. The few stations that could get through it couldn't hear me when I called! Though it seemed
/archives//html/3830/1997-11/msg00084.html (8,633 bytes)

8. [3830] K7ED Score CQWW SSB SOSB15LPUA (score: 1)
Author: oolon@eskimo.com (Jack Fleming)
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 1997 16:52:45 -0800 (PST)
K7ED (WA0RJY op) 18 hours 48,190 points 224 q's 24 z's 55 DX Single Op, Single Band (15), Low Power, Unassisted CQ WW SUMMARY SHEET Contest Dates : 25-Oct-97, 26-Oct-97 Callsign Used : K7ED Operator
/archives//html/3830/1997-10/msg00146.html (8,049 bytes)

9. K7ED ARRL CW Score (score: 1)
Author: Jack Fleming <oolon@eskimo.com> (Jack Fleming)
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 1997 21:34:11 -0800 (PST)
K7ED was operated by WA0RJY (who uses K7ED in contests and when calling VK0IR QRP... thanks K9AJ/VK0IR!) The Western Washington DX Club had their fourth annual Low Power CW Challenge during the ARRL
/archives//html/3830/1997-02/msg00172.html (10,743 bytes)

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