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References: [ +from:ari.korhonen@kolumbus.fi: 9 ]

Total 9 documents matching your query.

1. [3830] WRTC2002 FINAL RESULTS (score: 1)
Author: ari.korhonen@kolumbus.fi (Ari Korhonen)
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 14:16:55 +0300
The final results of WRTC2002 can be found at www.wrtc2002.org There'll be more writeups coming up in the near future. 73 Ari, OH1EH
/archives//html/3830/2002-07/msg00256.html (6,251 bytes)

2. [3830] OH0Z EUHFC SSB HP SCORE (score: 1)
Author: ari.korhonen@kolumbus.fi (Ari Korhonen)
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 17:12:41 +0300
Contest: EUROPEAN HF CHAMPIONSHIP Station: OH0Z (OH1EH opr.) Date : AUG.04.2001 Country: Aland Islands Class : SSB high power SCORE TABLE: Band QSOs: Points Mult CW SB 1.8 0 48 48 23 3.5 0 102 102 37
/archives//html/3830/2001-08/msg00161.html (7,213 bytes)

3. [3830] CQ WPX SSB OH0Z M/S HP (score: 1)
Author: ari.korhonen@kolumbus.fi (ari.korhonen@kolumbus.fi)
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 11:50:47 -0500 (EST)
CQ WW WPX - SSB Call: OH0Z Operator(s): OH1EH, OH1JT Station: OH0Z Class: M/S Power: HP QTH: OH0 Operating Time (hrs): 47 Summary: Band QSOs -- 160: 80: 40: 20: 15: 10: -- Total: 4912 x 1141 = 13,811
/archives//html/3830/2000-03/msg00643.html (7,127 bytes)

4. [3830] OH1EH ARRL CW 15m HP score (score: 1)
Author: ari.korhonen@kolumbus.fi (Ari Korhonen)
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 19:30:16 +0200
924 QSOs, 57 mplrs = 158,004 Where was SD? See you from OH0Z in WPX SSB Ari, OH1EH -- FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html Submissions: 3830@contesting.com Administrative requests: 3830
/archives//html/3830/2000-02/msg00672.html (6,521 bytes)

5. [3830] OH1EH CQ 160M CW HP SCORE (score: 1)
Author: ari.korhonen@kolumbus.fi (Ari Korhonen)
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 20:44:25 +0200
426 0 48 = 96,765 Lousy effort... The worst condx in recent memory got the best of me and slept several hours the second night. Rumour has it that only one OH (OH1MA, 4-square) was able to work one o
/archives//html/3830/2000-01/msg00515.html (6,728 bytes)

6. [3830] OH0Z (OH1EH opr) EUHFC SSB HP SCORE (score: 1)
Author: ari.korhonen@kolumbus.fi (Ari Korhonen)
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 1999 17:47:50 +0300
Here´s the OH0Z (OH1EH) EUHFC SSB HP score: 1016 x 231 = 234696 Thanks for the QSOs! Ari, OH1EH QSL OH0Z via Ari Korhonen, OH1EH Kreetalank. 9 As 1 FIN 29200 Harjavalta Finland -- FAQ on WWW: h
/archives//html/3830/1999-08/msg00114.html (6,656 bytes)

7. [3830] OH1EH ARRL DX CW 15M HP SCORE (score: 1)
Author: ari.korhonen@kolumbus.fi (Ari Korhonen)
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 16:58:17 +0200
OH1EH single band 15: 823 x 57 = 140.733 FT1000MP, AL1200, 4/4/4 stack . Club: Contest Club Finland, CCF Missed some operating time on Sunday. Congrats to N6ND on HUGE West Coast signal! See you on S
/archives//html/3830/1999-02/msg00544.html (6,653 bytes)

8. [3830] OH0Z (OH1EH) CQ WW SSB S/A (unassisted) score (score: 1)
Author: ari.korhonen@kolumbus.fi (Ari Korhonen)
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 15:52:41 +0200
Here´s the OH0Z(OH1EH opr.) S/A unassisted score: 160 55 5 28 80 573 16 67 40 651 25 92 20 1240 34 112 15 1018 34 116 10 426 26 85 -- 3963 140 500 = 3.831040 As one can easily notice from the s
/archives//html/3830/1998-10/msg00413.html (7,289 bytes)

9. [3830] OH0MAM CQ 160m CW M/S score (score: 1)
Author: ari.korhonen@kolumbus.fi (Ari Korhonen)
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 16:05:42 +0200 (EET)
1250 QSOs, 18 states and 71 countries = 630.000 points. Operators OH1EH, OH1JT, OH2MAM. QTH Finnstrom, Aland Islands. QSL via OH2MAM. Had fun! Too bad condx to the US were just awful. JA was okay, th
/archives//html/3830/1998-01/msg00360.html (6,902 bytes)

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