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References: [ +from:JBaumgarte@aol.com: 19 ]

Total 19 documents matching your query.

1. [3830] N0IJ SOHP CWSS (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 15:39:38 EST
N0IJ ?Single op high power ?23-1/2 hours Minnesota Section--unassisted Band ????????????????Qso's 80 ????????????????????198 40 ????????????????????147 20 ????????????????????379 15 ?????????????????
/archives//html/3830/2001-11/msg00480.html (7,028 bytes)

2. [3830] N0IJ SOHP Stew Perry Topband (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 12:51:58 EST
182 qso's 662points in 4-1/2 hours High power. MN Wireless Assn Some nice DX worked: EA8, G0, GW3, FM5, KV4, and KH6. First EU for this contest in couple of years. John, N0IJ Duluth, MN -- FAQ on WWW
/archives//html/3830/2001-01/msg00018.html (6,609 bytes)

3. [3830] N0IJ SOQRP SSCW (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 12:04:49 EST
Band QSO''s 80 101 40 115 20 141 15 151 10 110 Total QSO's 618 Mults 78 (missed NNY and MAR) 96,408 claimed score 24 hours MN Section SO2R Club: Minnesota Wireless Assn. John, N0IJ Duluth, MN -- FAQ
/archives//html/3830/2000-11/msg00450.html (6,688 bytes)

4. [3830] N0IJ CQWW phone M/S (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 10:55:30 EST
Band: QSO's Zones Countries 160 4 3 4 80 17 7 10 40 25 11 16 20 103 22 56 15 160 29 88 10 227 30 88 Totals 536 102 262 531,440 High power Multi/single 14 hours N0IJ/WJ0M op's John, N0IJ Duluth, MN --
/archives//html/3830/2000-10/msg00447.html (6,793 bytes)

5. [3830] N0IJ M/2 ARRL DX CW (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 09:58:26 EST
Conditions were great most of the weekend and a real fun first attempt at multi-two from a one tower station. John N0IJ -- FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html Submissions: 3830@contes
/archives//html/3830/2000-02/msg00447.html (7,128 bytes)

6. [3830] N0IJ NAQP SO (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 00:03:05 EST
452 QSO's 182 sections 82,264 points 6 hours time Single Op. John, N0IJ -- FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html Submissions: 3830@contesting.com Administrative requests: 3830-REQUEST@co
/archives//html/3830/2000-01/msg00133.html (6,376 bytes)

7. [3830] 1999 cqww SSB N0IJ M/S (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 23:41:13 EST
N0IJ Multi single, High power, 35 hours Band QSO's Zones Countries 160 14 8 10 80 19 8 14 40 67 25 52 20 529 34 113 15 442 34 118 10 563 33 149 Totals 1634 Q's, 142 zones, 456 countries 2,686,814 poi
/archives//html/3830/1999-11/msg00284.html (6,887 bytes)

8. [3830] N0IJ CWSS SOHP MN (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 17:48:33 EST
837 76 127,224 24hr SOHP Missed ND, NL, VI Noticed some strange conditions occasionally--weaker stations going in and out--difficult to maintain a run at times. Stations not far away working stuff I
/archives//html/3830/1999-11/msg00578.html (6,641 bytes)

9. [3830] N0IJ SS phone score SOHP (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 10:39:31 EST
N0IJ SOHP SS phone MN section 1451 Qso's in 79 229,258 points 23 hours Club MN Wireless Assn. Bands: 80 242 40 202 20 552 15 276 10 179 total 1451 John Baumgarten N0IJ Duluth, MN -- FAQ on WWW: http:
/archives//html/3830/1999-11/msg00902.html (6,645 bytes)

10. [3830] N0IJ (AA0BY, op) wpx ph SOAB HP unasssisted (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 17:00:38 EST
CQ WPX CONTEST Call used: N0IJ Location: Duluth, MN Category: Single Op All Band Mode: PHONE Power: 1500 Callsign of Operator: AA0BY __________________________________________________________________
/archives//html/3830/1999-04/msg00029.html (7,324 bytes)

11. [3830] N0IJ Phone SS score (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 18:01:34 EST
Single Op low power 24 hours 1135 Q's 79 sections 179,330 points -- FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html Submissions: 3830@contesting.com Administrative requests: 3830-REQUEST@contestin
/archives//html/3830/1998-11/msg00541.html (6,434 bytes)

12. [3830] N0IJ M/S CQWW score (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 17:46:51 EST
band Q's Z's C's 160 23 12 16 80 38 14 33 40 480 30 90 20 599 33 101 15 502 31 100 10 344 23 82 totals 1986 143 422 Score 3,135,750 High power Multi/single ops: N0IJ, AA0BY, WJ0M, AA0AW, AA0SI -- FAQ
/archives//html/3830/1998-11/msg00660.html (6,832 bytes)

13. [3830] CQWWSSB N0IJ M/S (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 17:58:52 EST
N0IJ Multi/Single SSB Duluth, MN 160 15Q 6Z 6C 80 24 10 15 40 68 22 49 20 268 28 92 15 305 28 92 10 184 24 69 Score 1,000,000 Op's N0IJ, WJ0M, AA0BY, KB0YZR -- FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/3
/archives//html/3830/1998-10/msg00287.html (6,607 bytes)

14. [3830] CQWW CW N0IJ M/S (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte)
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 11:51:34 EST
First try at M/S using band pass filters. KW run rig--exciter only on the mult. Worked great and lots of fun--minimal interference. Op's N0IJ, AA0BY & WJ0M. 160 32 Q's 9 zones 19 countrie (No EU hear
/archives//html/3830/1997-12/msg00174.html (6,871 bytes)

15. SS Score, K0IJL (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 1996 21:02:20 -0500
CW SS Results for K0IJL single op HP, MN section 24 hours 1091 QSO 77 mults (missed WY) 168,014 points John Baumgarten, K0IJL -- FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/3830faq.html Submissions: 3830@c
/archives//html/3830/1996-11/msg00031.html (6,489 bytes)

16. ss cw posting for N0IJ (ex K0IJL) (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 1996 22:00:00 -0500
Single op, high power, Minnesota section 24 hours Band Qso's 160 16 80 332 40 167 20 835 15 11 Total 1361 77 Sections Missed VE8 Very stormy much of contest period--constant heavy rain and wind. So n
/archives//html/3830/1996-11/msg00311.html (7,383 bytes)

17. IARU scores--K0IJL M/S (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 15:24:39 -0400
Score for K0IJL multi/single band CW Q's Phone Q's Band mults 160 9 2 5 80 15 24 6 40 230 21 32 20 582 210 54 15 77 70 12 10 27 3 totals 913 354 112 441,616 op's K0IJL & AA0BY Time on 21 hours
/archives//html/3830/1996-07/msg00119.html (6,588 bytes)

18. IARU scores (if not too late) (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 1996 15:46:35 -0400
Score for M/S K0IJL, Minnesota, Op's K0IJL & AA0BY Band CW Q's Phone Q's Mults 160 9 2 5 80 15 24 6 40 230 21 32 20 582 210 54 15 77 70 12 10 0 27 3 ___________________________________ totals 913 354
/archives//html/3830/1996-07/msg00126.html (6,680 bytes)

19. ARRL CW score (score: 1)
Author: JBaumgarte@aol.com (JBaumgarte@aol.com)
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 08:08:00 -0500
Results for K0IJL multi-op single transmitter Minnesota Band Q's Mult 160 25 20 80 74 41 40 179 57 20 590 80 15 39 23 10 1 1 total 908 222 604,728
/archives//html/3830/1996-02/msg00141.html (6,283 bytes)

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