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References: [ +from:EDWOODS@PACTIME1.SDCRC.PacBell.COM: 3 ]

Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. nv6o SprINT (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 96 07:11:59 PDT
1 band change at 0215. Like Ward, I had spent the afternoon digging blackberries. Luckily, I went over to Phil's earlier in the afternoon to set up the computer - etc. N2NT, WA2SRQ, Gator/m, had the
/archives//html/3830/1996-04/msg00096.html (6,694 bytes)

2. KF6A M/1 ARRL SSB DX (from Pig Farm) (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 96 12:03:43 PST
ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST 1996 Call: KF6A Country: United States (075) Mode: SSB Category: Multi Single BAND QSO QSO PTS PTS/Q COUNTRIES 160 0 0 0.0 0 DIDN'T WANNA BLOW UP ROTATOR 80 43 129 3.0 2
/archives//html/3830/1996-03/msg00063.html (8,467 bytes)

3. nv6o sprint (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 96 09:19:05 PST
At Randy - AA6WJ's : 217 x 41 I was going to use the same excuses as Danny, K7SS concerning my inability to properly manage the band changes from the far west, but he didn't bring the Alpha, I did. B
/archives//html/3830/1996-02/msg00098.html (7,908 bytes)

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