Amps Mailing List (date)
December 31, 2000
- [AMPS] Water cooled 4CX250, Byron Tatum, 17:21
- [AMPS] INFORMATION WANTED, George Benko, 15:24
- [AMPS] On-off, or leave it on?, measures, 09:55
- [AMPS] Alpha, Mike Sawyer, 09:24
- [AMPS] On-off, or leave it on?, Maurizio Panicara, 06:46
- [AMPS] On-off, or leave it on?, Pete Smith, 02:17
December 30, 2000
- [AMPS] Wanted - Eimac Y808 data sheet, David Kirkby, 22:27
- [AMPS] On-off, or leave it on?, David Kirkby, 21:06
- [AMPS] Drake L4B 6m retrofit,, 12:35
- [AMPS] timerelay, HG Lundgren sm2nog, 12:27
- [AMPS] Realistic Lifetime tubes, John Simmons, 11:53
- [AMPS] Himu triode 4-400A distorsion products??, measures, 11:29
- [AMPS] Himu triode 4-400A distorsion products??, Hans Goldschmidt, 10:27
- [AMPS] Alpha (HOME BREW OR NOT?), Hans Goldschmidt, 10:26
- [AMPS] Alpha (HOME BREW OR NOT?), Barry Kirkwood, 07:16
- [AMPS] Alpha (HOME BREW OR NOT?), Hans Goldschmidt, 07:16
- [AMPS] Alpha, measures, 03:19
- [AMPS] Alpha, measures, 03:19
- [AMPS] Alpha, Tom Rauch, 00:50
December 29, 2000
- [AMPS] Alpha, Bob Marston, 20:06
- [AMPS] Re: 5.6 mHz ant, Roy Koeppe, 18:17
- [AMPS] alpha, Bill Nowicki (WA4OYH), 17:54
- [AMPS] Alpha,, 17:40
- [AMPS] Wanted - Scanned transmitting tube data sheets., Jeff Wolf, 17:03
- [AMPS] Alpha, Hans Goldschmidt, 16:47
- [AMPS] Alpha, < (Michael Tope), 16:24
- [AMPS] Alpha, Tom Rauch, 15:57
- [AMPS] Alpha, Tom Rauch, 15:57
- [AMPS] Alpha, Bob Duckworth, 15:35
- [AMPS] Alpha, Bob Duckworth, 15:33
- [AMPS] Alpha, paul, 14:54
- [AMPS] Alpha, Bob Marston, 14:47
- [AMPS] Alpha, Bob Marston, 13:59
- [AMPS] Alpha, Roger P, 12:42
- [AMPS] HT (or EHT) transformers, paul, 12:38
- [AMPS] Alpha, Tom Rauch, 12:32
- [AMPS] Wanted - Scanned transmitting tube data sheets., David Kirkby, 10:14
- [AMPS] Alpha, Bill Turner, W7TI, 09:05
- [AMPS] AM on Titan II, measures, 07:14
- [AMPS] AM on Titan II, measures, 07:14
- [AMPS] Alpha, paul, 07:03
- [AMPS] Alpha, Barry Kirkwood, 01:43
- [AMPS] Alpha, Paul Kiesel, 01:27
- [AMPS] Alpha, Chuck Counselman, 00:49
December 28, 2000
- [AMPS] Alpha, Bob Marston, 22:57
- [AMPS] Alpha, paul, 14:53
- [AMPS] Alpha, Mark, 14:34
- FW: FW: [AMPS] Titan II Mods, Phil LaMarche, 13:53
- [AMPS] Alpha, Reichow, Gary J., 13:48
- [AMPS] Re: multiple fil xfmrs, Roy Koeppe, 09:04
- [AMPS] AM on Titan II,, 05:18
- [AMPS] components, Mike, 00:56
December 27, 2000
- [AMPS] AM on Titan II, Steve, 23:45
- [AMPS] AM on Titan II, Ken Potter, 22:39
- [AMPS] G-G Input circuit for multiple filament transformers?, Mike McCarthy, W1NR, 20:36
- [AMPS] components, w6frmarv, 17:19
- [AMPS] AM on Titan II, Ken Barber, 16:11
- [AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please,, 07:03
- [AMPS] transformer rewinding?, measures, 03:02
- [AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please, measures, 03:02
December 26, 2000
- [AMPS] xfmr windings, Jeff Wolf, 21:29
- [AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please, Radio WC6W, 20:23
- [AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please, Radio WC6W, 20:23
- [AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please, Phil (VA3UX), 18:41
- [AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please, < (Frank & Barb Ayers), 17:54
- [AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please, Barry Kirkwood, 17:48
- [AMPS] xfmr windings, rb, 15:54
- [AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please, Terry Gaiser, 15:26
- [AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please, Chuck Counselman, 14:50
- [AMPS] about transformer rewinding,, 14:34
- [AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please, Radio WC6W, 14:09
- [AMPS] Titan II Mods, Roy Koeppe, 11:34
- [AMPS] transformer rewinding?, Phil Clements, 11:28
- [AMPS] transformer rewinding?, Mark, 10:00
December 25, 2000
- [AMPS] Re: [Henry] On-off, or leave it on?, Jim Reid, 15:31
- [AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please, KB7WW Art Moe, 11:43
- [AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please, Mike Sawyer, 10:14
- [AMPS] Re: [Henry] On-off, or leave it on?, Phil Clements, 10:05
- [AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please, Mike McCarthy, W1NR, 08:46
- [AMPS] On-off, or leave it on?, Maurizio Panicara, 07:03
- [AMPS] YC156 / 3CX5000A7 amp., David Kirkby, 06:45
- [AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please, measures, 01:41
- [AMPS] On-off, or leave it on?, measures, 01:08
December 24, 2000
- [AMPS] Advice On Homebrewing Chassis Please, Terry Gaiser, 23:16
- [AMPS] test, Terry Gaiser, 21:10
- [AMPS] Re: [Henry] On-off, or leave it on?, Jim Reid, 20:18
- [AMPS] Any one have an 8873 or Y621 for sale?, A P, 17:09
- [AMPS] web site for about 1/4 of the amps members..., Chuck Counselman, 17:03
- [AMPS] YC156 / 3CX5000A7 amp., David Kirkby, 16:32
- [AMPS] web site for about 1/4 of the amps members...,, 16:25
- [AMPS] Ham Radio Chatroom, Chuck Adkins - K8CPA, 15:41
- [AMPS] SELL: RF Deck components,, 15:39
- [AMPS] PEM nuts, < (Martin John Hallsworth), 14:06
- [AMPS] Re: [Henry] On-off, or leave it on?, Phil Clements, 13:26
- [AMPS] [Fwd: {Collins} Tube Filament Voltages], Phil Clements, 13:07
- [AMPS] FS: EHT transformer (plate transformer), paul, 12:50
- [AMPS] [Fwd: {Collins} Tube Filament Voltages], Joe Subich, K4IK, 12:07
- [AMPS] On-off, or leave it on?, Chuck Counselman, 11:49
- [AMPS] [Fwd: {Collins} Tube Filament Voltages], KB7WW Art Moe, 11:12
December 20, 2000
- [AMPS] 2C39 contact rings, Byron Tatum, 22:51
- [AMPS] 3K Offered for Sale, w6frmarv, 16:23
- [AMPS] 200 power Russian tubes with pictures, CT HRD, 15:51
- [AMPS] RF engineering, Tom Rauch, 14:59
- [AMPS] Clipperton Band switch., Tom Rauch, 14:59
- [AMPS] RF engineering, Radio WC6W, 14:13
- [AMPS] Clipperton Band switch., Bill Aycock, 12:16
December 17, 2000
- [AMPS] SB220 - I bought it!, Bill Bennett N7DZ, 20:24
- [AMPS] ARRL CD rom question, Phil (VA3UX), 19:37
- [AMPS] Parallel coaxial feedline For 1/2 CharacteristicImpedance, Phil (VA3UX), 11:52
- [AMPS] 15V XFMR, Arne Gjerning, 10:24
- [AMPS] Alpha 374 cathode circuit, Joe Subich, K4IK, 09:51
- [AMPS] Clipperton-L Mod., Artist Fomerly known as Chuck, 07:06
- [AMPS] Clipperton-L Mod., Artist Fomerly known as Chuck, 06:56
- [AMPS] Alpha 374 cathode circuit, Dave Bowker, 06:55
- [AMPS] Parallel coaxial feedline For 1/2 Characteristic Impedance, Tom Rauch, 02:46
- [AMPS] Parallel coaxial feedline For 1/2 Characteristic Impedance, Radio WC6W, 01:52
- [AMPS] Parallel coaxial feedline For 1/2 CharacteristicImpedance, Phil (VA3UX), 00:16
- [AMPS] Alpha 374 cathode circuit,, 00:10
- [AMPS] Parallel coaxial feedline For 1/2 Characteristic Impedance, Billy Ward, 00:03
December 16, 2000
- [AMPS] IC 4KL Problem, Vincent D. Cammarata, 20:04
- [AMPS] RF - the real deal..., Bill Turner, 18:16
- [AMPS] SB-200 hint/kink, Mark S Graalman, 17:32
- [AMPS] Clipperton-L Mod., Bill Aycock, 17:01
- [AMPS] RF - the real deal..., Pete Smith, 15:53
- [AMPS] not the real story..., Phil (VA3UX), 14:59
- [AMPS] A tuned line problem, Radio WC6W, 14:20
- [AMPS] not the real story...,, 13:58
- [AMPS] SB-200 hint/kink, Mike, 13:42
December 15, 2000
- [AMPS] New Pix, Larry Molitor, 23:17
- [AMPS] New Pix, perry, 22:54
- [AMPS] New Pix, Bill Turner, 22:31
- [AMPS] A tuned line problem, Tom Rauch, 17:19
- [AMPS] A tuned line problem, Radio WC6W, 11:42
- [AMPS] A tuned line problem, Radio WC6W, 11:42
- [AMPS] A tuned line problem, Tom Rauch, 09:35
- No subject, Peter Chadwick, 08:30
- [AMPS] A tuned line problem, Peter Chadwick, 07:24
December 14, 2000
- [AMPS] A tuned line problem, Radio WC6W, 20:51
- [AMPS] Advanced Radio Amp. 230CA, Ross Guarino, 16:09
- [AMPS] 2m amplifier - many thanks!, Phil, 10:44
- [AMPS] SB220 power output, < (Eric Moore), 10:42
- [AMPS] SB220 power output, measures, 09:56
- [AMPS] SB220 power output, measures, 09:56
- [AMPS] SB220 power output, Peter Chadwick, 08:42
- [AMPS] Constant-current curves,, 08:40
- [AMPS] SB220 power output, Jaime P.Ullívarri, 08:35
- [AMPS] SB220 power output, measures, 08:31
- [AMPS] 1600 W amplifier for 800 USD, CT HRD, 07:00
- [AMPS] SB220 power output,, 04:04
- [AMPS] SB220 power output, Peter Chadwick, 03:11
- [AMPS] 30L-1, measures, 01:35
- [AMPS] SB220 power output, measures, 01:04
December 13, 2000
- [AMPS] 30L-1, < (Eric Moore), 14:43
- [AMPS] Test - don't read, < (Eric Moore), 14:39
- [AMPS] SB220 power output, Tom Rauch, 12:33
- [AMPS] A range of HF-VHF amplifiers, CT HRD, 12:18
- [AMPS] SB220 power output, Bill Bennett N7DZ, 11:42
- [AMPS] SB220 conversion for 6M,, 08:23
- [AMPS] GU-91B, CT HRD, 06:11
- [AMPS] GU-84B Const. current curves, Peter Chadwick, 03:59
- [AMPS] GU-84B Const. current curves, ly3nml, 03:38
December 12, 2000
- [AMPS] SB220 conversion for 6M, Chris Terkla, 22:05
- [AMPS] GU-84B Const. current curves,, 21:16
- [AMPS] Can you identify this thing ?, Phil (VA3UX), 20:36
- [AMPS] Russian tubes for sale, datasheets, ly3nml, 12:01
- [AMPS] SELL:Ameritron( AL series) HV Plate choke,, 08:06
- [AMPS] Choke series resonance clarification, paul, 06:18
- [AMPS] tubes for sale., Tom Hix W4TH, 01:27
December 11, 2000
- [AMPS] SB220 output, Phil Clements, 23:24
- [AMPS] SB220 output, Bill Bennett N7DZ, 22:41
- [AMPS] ALC, Chuck Counselman, 22:41
- [AMPS] Choke series resonance clarification, measures, 19:06
- [AMPS] SB220 QSK mod, measures, 19:06
- [AMPS] ARRL Handbook 50 MHz 3CX800A7 Amplifier,, 14:47
- [AMPS] SB220 QSK mod, < (Tom Hellem), 13:45
- [AMPS] The return of the 30-S1? (Just fantasizing), Brakob, Hans, 09:45
- [AMPS] Choke series resonance clarification,, 08:13
- [AMPS] Choke series resonance clarification, Hans Goldschmidt, 07:17
- [AMPS] Choke series resonance clarification, measures, 07:02
- [AMPS] Choke series resonance clarification,, 05:33
- [AMPS] Choke series resonance clarification, Peter Chadwick, 03:45
- [AMPS] Pix Update, Larry Molitor, 00:47
December 10, 2000
- [AMPS] SELL:Ameritron PIN diode QSK-5PC Board, Ronald Lumachi, 22:40
- [AMPS] Building AMP with four valves in parallel (4-250) -any guidance ?, Bill Fuqua, 19:12
- [AMPS] Building AMP with four valves in parallel (4-250) - any guidance ?, < (W6NQ), 18:07
- [AMPS] Choke series resonance clarification, Maurizio Panicara, 17:36
- [AMPS] looking for diagram GS-31b/35b or double GI7b for HF and 6m, measures, 15:07
- [AMPS] Plate Choke for SB-1000, measures, 15:07
- [AMPS] Ian White's URL (Pi/PI-L spreadsheet), < (Ian White, G3SEK), 14:38
- [AMPS] DJ5RE Amplifier, Phil, 12:02
- [AMPS] Granger manual 180-1, Lars Wallmark, 10:59
- [AMPS] time relay, Lars Wallmark, 10:57
- [AMPS] I am here, Artist Fomerly known as Chuck, 10:24
- [AMPS] looking for diagram GS-31b/35b or double GI7b forHF and 6m, Bob Marston, 10:13
- [AMPS] Plate Choke for SB-1000, Tom Rauch, 07:03
- [AMPS] looking for diagram GS-31b/35b or double GI7b for HF and 6m, John Peters, 04:46
- [AMPS] Plate Choke for SB-1000, Lane Zeitler, 00:48
- [AMPS] Choke series resonance clarification, measures, 00:18
- [AMPS] Building AMP with four valves in parallel (4-250) - any guidance ?, measures, 00:18
- [AMPS] Plate coke at right angles, measures, 00:18
December 09, 2000
- [AMPS] Plate Choke for SB-1000, Vic Rosenthal, 22:33
- [AMPS] Plate Choke for SB-1000, Jeff Weinberg W8CQ, 21:33
- [AMPS] Fw: 4-1000A HF Amplifier, Alan Gray, 20:36
- [AMPS] Choke series resonance clarification, Lamb, 19:56
- [AMPS] Choke series resonance clarification, Phil Clements, 19:24
- [AMPS] Choke series resonance clarification, Tom Rauch, 19:03
- [AMPS] SB-200 to 3cx800a7??, Norman Hockler, 17:33
- [AMPS] Choke series resonance clarification, Hans Goldschmidt, 17:15
- [AMPS] Choke series resonance clarification, Phil (VA3UX), 15:33
- [AMPS] SB-200 to 3cx800a7??, Rich Hallman - N7TR, 15:03
- [AMPS] Choke series resonance clarification, Tom Rauch, 14:35
- [AMPS] Plate coke at right angles, Tom Rauch, 14:13
- [AMPS] Building AMP with four valves in parallel (4-250) - any guidance ?, Tom Rauch, 14:13
- [AMPS] Fw: Command Tech HF-2500E Amplifier, Terry Gaiser, 13:59
- [AMPS] Fw: Alpha 77-D Amplifier, Terry Gaiser, 13:58
- [AMPS] Fw: 4-1000A HF Amplifier, Terry Gaiser, 13:58
- [AMPS] Peter Dahl Transformer and Choke for Sale, Dick, 11:39
- [AMPS] Building AMP with four valves in parallel (4-250) - any guidance ?, measures, 10:46
- [AMPS] Ian White's URL (Pi/PI-L spreadsheet), Phil (VA3UX), 09:51
- [AMPS] SB-200 tuning problem, Stephen Goldberg, 09:21
- [AMPS] Building AMP with four valves in parallel (4-250) -anyguidance ?, Steve, 09:15
- [AMPS] Building AMP with four valves in parallel (4-250) -any guidance ?, Phil (VA3UX), 08:34
- [AMPS] Building AMP with four valves in parallel (4-250) - any guidance ?, paul, 07:17
- [AMPS] Building AMP with four valves in parallel (4-250) - any guidance ?, Wynand van Wyk, 06:47
December 08, 2000
- [AMPS] SB-200 tuning problem - some clarifications, measures, 23:53
- [AMPS] SB-200 tuning problem - some clarifications, Michael Rudzki, 22:23
- [AMPS] SB-200 tuning problem, Phil Clements, 20:34
- [AMPS] SB-200 tuning problem, Bill Turner, 20:08
- [AMPS] 6m & 2 m 1KW?, Mike Sanders, 18:22
- [AMPS] SB220 output, measures, 18:13
- [AMPS] SB220 output, measures, 18:13
- [AMPS] SB220 output, measures, 18:13
- [AMPS] SB-200 tuning problem, measures, 18:13
- [AMPS] SB220 output, measures, 18:13
- [AMPS] SB220 output, Maurizio Panicara, 16:01
- [AMPS] SB220 output, Lane Zeitler, 15:23
- [AMPS] SB-200 tuning problem, Michael Rudzki, 13:58
- [AMPS] SB220 output, Pete Smith, 12:04
- [AMPS] SB220 output, measures, 09:31
- [AMPS] SB220 output, Bill Bennett N7DZ, 08:38
- [AMPS] 6m & 2 m 1KW?, Peter Frenning, OZ1PIF, 05:51
- [AMPS] Ukrainian Amplifiers, CT HRD, 05:17
- [AMPS] New pictures of the tubes & sockets, CT HRD, 05:16
- Fw: [AMPS] 6m & 2 m 1KW?, RS, 03:16
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, Peter Chadwick, 03:10
December 07, 2000
- [AMPS] Identifying a transformer,, 23:01
- [AMPS] voltage equalizer/bleeder string resistors, Dick Hanson, 20:31
- [AMPS] SB-230 8877 Tube availability, Mark, 15:09
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, Bill Turner, 14:40
- [AMPS] test only--do not read, Lane Zeitler, 14:35
- [AMPS] SB-230 8877 Tube availability, Brakob, Hans, 14:25
- [AMPS] SB 220 conversion for 160 - Vacuum Relays, Dave Bowker, 14:10
- [AMPS] SB-230 8877 Tube availability, Paul Christensen, 14:06
- [AMPS] SB-230 8877 Tube availability, Brakob, Hans, 14:01
- [AMPS] SB-230 8877 Tube availability, Carl Hyde, 13:29
- [AMPS] SB-230 8877 Tube availability, Carl Hyde, 13:29
- [AMPS] SB 220 conversion for 160, measures, 11:06
- [AMPS] SB 220 conversion for 160, Pete Smith, 10:04
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, Brakob, Hans, 09:20
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, Peter Chadwick, 08:42
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, Hans Goldschmidt, 07:35
- [AMPS] SB 220 conversion for 160, measures, 07:02
- [AMPS] SB 220 conversion for 160, Manoj Agarwal, 06:41
December 06, 2000
- [AMPS] Ne Pix, Larry Molitor, 22:26
- [AMPS] Svetlana Closing US Offices, QRO Technologies, 21:43
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, Roger P, 20:08
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, Phil Clements, 19:48
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, Bill Turner, 19:27
- [AMPS] Svetlana Closing US Offices, Tom Hix W4TH, 19:16
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, Tom Rauch, 16:04
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, measures, 15:55
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, Paul Christensen, 15:13
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, Vic Rosenthal, 14:01
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, Brakob, Hans, 13:19
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, measures, 13:14
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, measures, 12:32
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, Bill Turner, 11:37
- [AMPS] AL-1200 Blower, Brakob, Hans, 10:48
- [AMPS] Svetlana closing offices in USA ?, Mark, 09:31
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Peter Chadwick, 03:17
December 05, 2000
- [AMPS] Harbach Electronics, Jeff Weinberg W8CQ, 21:57
- [AMPS] Svetlana closing offices in USA ?, Mike Manship, 19:49
- [AMPS] Two Tone 2000, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 19:07
- [AMPS] more tubes, John T. M. Lyles, 16:39
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Jeff Wolf, 16:24
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Steve, 15:58
- [AMPS] SELL: 15KW RF Bandswitch,, 15:00
- [AMPS] Two Tone 2000, Radio WC6W, 13:41
- [AMPS] 50MHz 4-1000 amplifier,, 13:18
- [AMPS] SWR protection, Tom Rauch, 12:32
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Bill Turner, 12:18
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Tom Rauch, 11:39
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Tom Rauch, 11:39
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Peter Chadwick, 11:36
- [AMPS] SWR Protection,, 11:25
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Dave D'Epagnier, 11:07
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Tom Rauch, 11:01
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Peter Chadwick, 10:55
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Dave D'Epagnier, 10:45
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Peter Chadwick, 03:27
December 04, 2000
- [AMPS] 50MHz 4-1000 initial web page up,, 21:40
- [AMPS] Directional coupler design, Tom Rauch, 20:04
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Tom Rauch, 20:04
- [AMPS] series R, John T. M. Lyles, 17:59
- [AMPS] Directional coupler design, Radio WC6W, 14:55
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Dave D'Epagnier, 14:48
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Tom Rauch, 13:58
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Dave D'Epagnier, 11:30
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Chuck Counselman, 08:01
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Peter Chadwick, 04:46
- [AMPS] Low Pass Filter, Peter Chadwick, 04:41
- [AMPS] KW-500, Peter Chadwick, 04:05
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Peter Chadwick, 03:42
- SV: [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, Peter Chadwick, 03:20
- [AMPS] Drake L7, < (Michael Tope), 01:30
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Tom Rauch, 01:27
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Bruce R. Knox, 00:03
December 03, 2000
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Bruce R. Knox, 23:23
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Bill Turner, 22:49
- [AMPS] 6M Conversion of Heath SB-200,, 22:38
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Bill Turner, 22:38
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Steve, 22:14
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Tom Rauch, 20:55
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Tom Rauch, 20:34
- [AMPS] Low Pass Filter, Tom Rauch, 20:34
- [AMPS] Directional coupler design, Tom Rauch, 20:34
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Bill Turner, 19:26
- [AMPS] Heatkit HL2200 to Ten Meters, Gary McAdams, 18:28
- [AMPS] Directional coupler design, Maurizio Panicara, 17:58
- [AMPS] re: 4-1000A - 50MHz,, 13:13
- [AMPS] DTR 2000 ???, KB7WW Art Moe, 10:34
December 02, 2000
- [AMPS] Clipperton description, Bill Aycock, 23:24
- [AMPS] FS,, 10:47
- [AMPS] Suppressor retrofit kits, Rc error., measures, 09:32
- [AMPS] high power on 2350-2400Mc band?, Bob Duckworth, 05:23
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Bill Turner, 00:29
December 01, 2000
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Steve, 23:50
- [AMPS], perry, 23:36
- [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, measures, 23:02
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Bill Turner, 22:43
- [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, Phil Clements, 18:56
- [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, Phil Clements, 18:41
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Steve, 17:31
- [AMPS] Low Pass Filter, Vic Rosenthal, 17:18
- [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, < (Eric Moore), 17:04
- [AMPS] Low Pass Filter, Chuck Counselman, 16:36
- [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, measures, 16:32
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Bill Turner, 15:55
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Steve, 15:08
- [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, Radio WC6W, 15:07
- [AMPS] Directional coupler design, Radio WC6W, 14:58
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Radio WC6W, 14:58
- [AMPS] Low Pass Filter, Radio WC6W, 14:58
- SV: [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, Jeff Wolf, 14:30
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Chuck Counselman, 13:07
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Steve, 12:48
- [AMPS] FS: Henry 8K-Ultra Amplifier, Terry Gaiser, 12:45
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Bruce R. Knox, 12:27
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Dave D'Epagnier, 12:17
- [AMPS] SWR Protection, Steve, 12:03
- [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, Steve, 11:37
- [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, < (Eric Moore), 10:26
- SV: [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, measures, 09:43
- SV: [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, measures, 09:38
- SV: [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, measures, 09:38
- SV: [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, Wilbert Knol, 07:05
- SV: [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, Tom Rauch, 05:44
- SV: [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???,, 04:20
- SV: [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, < (Ian White, G3SEK), 02:44
- SV: [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, measures, 01:53
- SV: [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, Ian Roberts, 01:15
- SV: [AMPS] SB-220 Glitch Resistor ???, Ian Roberts, 01:00