I would like to use WriteLog for the rtty contest this weekend but am unsure
how to set it up efficiently.
My program of choice for rtty is MMTTY because of it's ease of tuning.
I also use a Rigblaster which works fine for PSK but use a KAM Plus for rtty.
This forces me to use the Kam Plus for transmitting, MMTTY for receiving and
WriteLog or DX4Win to log.
It's a confusing mess.
The basic problem is figuring out what piece of equipment / software is going
to do what!
I'm sure this has all been worked out before but I'm enough of a novice in rtty
to need help.
Any advice or pointers to tutorials appreciated.
Larry Alkoff N2LA
Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX
WriteLog mailing list
WriteLog on the web: http://www.writelog.com/