Perhaps use Audacity to create audio files?
73, K6TD
> On Mar 1, 2025, at 4:40 PM, jeff stai wk6i via
> <> wrote:
> Oh - I forgot to mention (for everyone) that I did find a way to do what I
> originally wanted to do - record through the radio mic to a WAV file. Sorta.
> I stumbled into this on another reflector.
> Before you record, you turn up the monitor audio. Probably way up. Then you
> record. The sounds card picks up the monitor audio. I did verify that it
> works on the K4, however even with turning the monitor to the max level I'm
> not sure there was enough audio level on the playback - it did put out full
> power but the K4 ALC levels were low**. So on air tests would be needed. (Yes
> I had all Windows sound card levels also maxed out.)
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