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[WriteLog] Who is still using WIN98??

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] Who is still using WIN98??
From: "Johnny W. Houser" <ke4mmi@brevard.net>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 21:16:47 -0400
List-post: <mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
I intend on using w/98 for a long long time.
Microsoft is terminating w/98 ( 1-1-04 ) and I assume the up-dates as well
so get all the up-dates  you can because after 1-1-04 that's it.
I have M/S millennium edition on one machine but it's no better than w/98 so
I went back to w/98 for good.
I put w/XP on the kids comp. and he likes it . It has an option to set it up
look like W/98  but it has a lot of extras as wellthat are not really not
nessary, and it's a little more stable than W/98, but W/XP is the main
target for Hackers and other stupid people
that don't know any better.
So I guess it's a matter of $$$ and your opinion, or an O/S that everyone
else has left behind, but works verry well for amateurs and all your old
amateur DOS programs that are no longer supported by XP, NTor 2000
unless you up-graded, but not XP.

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