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Re: [VHFcontesting] 222 comments

To: Mike Smith VE9AA <ve9aa@nbnet.nb.ca>, vhfcontesting@contesting.com
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] 222 comments
From: David Olean <k1whs@metrocast.net>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 18:52:02 -0400
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Hi Mike

Well, you could work K1DY, N1BUG. N1JEZ, WZ1V, K1WHS, K1FMS, and K1TEO.  WA1MBA is in FN51 and an over water path so he is in a prime spot as is WA1NLG.  My only stipulation in providing this system is that the op has to get on for some of the 222 Nights.  I am building a transverter that will be phase locked, and a 500 watt amplifier.  It has a 28 MHz IF.  Al, W9KXI has offered to supply a 16 element yagi. I probably have a 75 ft run of 7/8" heliax that I will donate as well.

I have a slightly different view.   In my humble opinion, you have to stick your neck out in an effort to accomplish something. It is missionary work. A station on 222 MHz in New Brunswick or Nova Scotia would be a shot in the arm for hams in the northeast. I need to find someone who is willing to operate on 222 MHz for just one night a week.   The 222 MHz band has enjoyed a renaissance in activity by just a few amateurs getting on the air and making noise on 222.  Terry W8ZN is saying that he sees a big increase in 222 MHz antenna sales.  I have to hand it to the diehards in the hinterlands. They get on every tuesday and the change in the band is remarkable. W5EME. AJ6T, AA9MY, K9MRI, N1GC in NC, and K7ND and a sizable crew in the PNW have been instrumental in attracting more activity.  THere are many others. I have passed along 16 222 MHz solid state amplifiers  to rare states, including mostly 1500 watt units plus a few 500 watt units. These solid state amps can make a difference. W0VB is using his in Wyoming and passing out QSOs on meteor scatter and EME right now. I worked him on his moon rise. It was an easy contact. There is an article in the October QST about this amplifier project.

Looking at the equation of how many stations you will work is not the proper way to analyze this. Rather,  we should be contributing to any plan that helps VHF activity and alerts the FCC and others that our bands are being used.  I  would really like to find a warm body with a beating heart in the Maritimes.  The path to Nova Scotia is over water to the entire East Coast.  When tropo is present, it is a great place to be. It is sad that no one is there.  VE1SKY worked some tropo on 144 during the Sunday evening part of the Sept Contest.    Bernie, VE1UT in Yarmouth was a local here ALL THE TIME.

I will be finishing up the transverter this Fall as winter approaches. The amplifier is all tested. I have the Bodnar GPS reference oscillator. I hope we can find a home for it this winter. I can even deliver it to the New Brunswick border.


Dave K1WHS

On 9/19/2024 5:06 PM, Mike Smith VE9AA wrote:
Dave, K1WHS said:

A look at the missed grids is very disappointing. To my NE I only nabbed
FN54 and 53 with K1DY and K1HC.  To my SW I missed FN24, FN23, FN21,
FN15,FN14, FN11, FN10, FN02, FN01, FN00, & FM28 among others.  Throw in the
empty grids to my NE and there were about 30+ grids easily available with
any station who would go there.  I am hoping to help improve things by
sending a complete 222 MHz station to some deserving VE1 amateur. The
problem is that no one wants it up there. I am still looking.

de VE9AA FN66

I've communicated with Dave re: same a few times but just so y'all are

We're not ungrateful up here.  Even if it were FREE , delivered and someone
installed the 222 yagi on my tower, on 222 night

I *MIGHT* work 2, maybe 3 people.

Activity in the Maritimes was never "great" (maybe work 10-12 guys over a
whole weekend on 2m) but it's now practically nil, so with FT8 being the
nail in the coffin, I and many other have simply given up, moved on or
passed away.

I put it to you all.  If you would work 3 people on 222 night (MAX) or even
4 people on 2 meters on an entire VHF contest weekend, would YOU continue?

Mike VE9AA FN66

Mike - Keswick Ridge, NB, Canada

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