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[VHFcontesting] 222 MHz Activity Night Reminder

To: "newsVHF@mailman.qth.net" <NEWSVHF@mailman.qth.net>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] 222 MHz Activity Night Reminder
From: David Olean <k1whs@metrocast.net>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2021 09:46:56 -0400
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
It is Tuesday. Don't forget to check out 222.100 MHz for activity this evening. For my part, I will try to be QRV starting at about 7:30 PM EDST, 23:30 UT.   I will be on for every Tuesday night in the near future.  I was checking out the gear at my remote ham shack yesterday. I ran a few tests checking for RFI overload and everything looks good (Finally). My CH 11 overload problem has been fixed. I was dismayed to see condx were very poor. The K1IIG beacon was very weak while the Packrats 222.125 net was in operation. I could not check in as I could hear very little during the net. A few squeaks of SSB was all I heard. I made a few CW calls and managed to work K1PXE. His beam is stuck southwest, so I am off the back corner of his beam pattern. Thanks, Pete!  I hung around after the net and installed WSJT on another  laptop and got that running well. I made a few calls on FT8 with no results. The K1IIG/b beacon came back up to normal strength again... Maybe S3 to S5.

So please try to get on this evening if only for a little while. For my part, I will look for some rag chews but also check the chat pages and try some long haul CW or FT8 contacts too.  Chat pages include: ON4KST, HB9Q,  and W4DEX Chat. I will try to look at these three in hopes of setting up any skeds for the evening. W8ZN will be QRV from FM09.  N4SVC and WA4GPM will make noise in Florida. K5QE will be active from East Texas. The idea is to make some noise.

CU tonight I hope.

Dave K1WHS

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