I think I may of made some confusion about unlimited rovers for Steve (k4gun).
But it brings me to a new point.
I believe I should of stated unlimited rover’s scores can not be counted in a
total club score. Ie their logs are not thrown in the pool with the others to
make a total score. IE 4 unlimited rovers have scored millions of points each
and it would not be fair to put their total into a club total. This is the same
premise (and evidence there of in the rules) of making them a separate category
as the roving you and I might do.
That being said, all the people in a club who work an unlimited rover still
benefit from the QSO’s and rare multipliers that might be handed out. (Perhaps
that’s more proof of the spirit of a contest, some say does not exist.)
In our case we have a multi-op rover who must use the Unlimited class to
compete. He still hands out grids to help our club members who hopefully turn
in logs for a bigger score on the account of his actions. Therefore the club
who sends out the most or is fortunate to work the most active and sharing
rovers should be the ones who wins. IE he who makes the most activity for the
area as a whole wins. This is what I mean by the home stations, portables and
the rovers being part of an ecosystem that benefits from each other’s efforts
as opposed to the lone “individualized cell” of grid circlers. The point is
they can activate the same activity on any given weekend without the aid of a
contest. As compared to having a contest to entice activity. Anyone see the
PS I would rather compete with a rover with 3 stations working the same time on
different bands vs grid circlers. Its too bad that they have to be in the same
class. Perhaps thats a way to team rove, each car has seperate bands than the
other. Then the safety factor would not be lost.....
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