It is good to promote contesting, better VHF contesting, and best of all
roving. Kudos to you for being a contesting evangelist.
On VHF I think a lot of guys are afraid to get on because they don't have
antennas and are afraid of the expense of getting one or difficultly of
building one. So, when I give a talk like this I always bring along some WA5VJB
antennas to show. Also, some indication of what can be worked in terms of
stations and distance on the VHF bands is also useful.
Emphasize that contesting success is usually proportional to the time spent
operating, that is "butt in chair" time.
I have a VHF contesting presentation and a roving presentation that you can
look at if you wish. There is a good intro to contessting at:
< >
that you can borrow from.
Ask if you need any more help in crafting the presentations. - Duffey
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