John - You have gotten good advice here. Now that I understand you want to have
a dominant station in the FM category, I see the situation more clearly. Some
more comments based on the new information:
I propose this as a good strategy for getting the SSB/CW stations to work you
on FM. If you can’t get them, as you experienced the pickings among the FM only
guys is slim.
At least for contests where 6M is not open this is what I would do:
Get a 2M rig capable of SSB.
Make initial contact on 2M SSB. Everyone will want to move you to other bands,
so tell them you have FM and can do 222, 432, and 6. Have a frequency chosen to
QSY to in advance. Pick one of the less commonly used simplex frequencies as
there may be other guys on FM.
Go to 222MHz and 432MHz first, then 6M. That way you get the higher point QSOes
first if something goes wrong and you lose contact with each other. Before you
QSY, ask if anyone else is on frequency and wants to QSY. Not sure when it is
best to ask them to go to 2M FM, either after you first make contact on 2M or
after you have run the other bands. You will learn. You are inconveniencing
some ops by asking for two QSOes on 2M, but I would think that most guys would
do it, particularly if you are giving them QSOes and points on other bands.
When 6M is open, this won’t work as well because people will want to spend more
time on 6M when it is open, but you can try.
Also, I think that there are probably considerations in rig choice that are
more important than sensitivity, and ease of operation is, I think most
important. Try before you buy.
In addition to the rigs you list, I would also suggest looking for a good used
IC-746 (either pro or non pro editions) which does 100W on both 6M and 2M,
Keep us in formed as to what you end up doing. - Duffey KK6MC
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