5.7 GHz Rig
Complete 5.7 GHZ rig designed to interface with a low-power 144 MHz
transceiver.Currently configured for the FT817.
Mounted in compact portable enclosure designed to attach to a tripod
(not included).Includes transverter, power amplifier, dish, and
sequencer, as well as interfaces for power, IF, phones, microphone, key,
and dish.
Individual components:
I3OPW transverter
DEMI-modified Avantec Model AWP-64100 power amplifier – 12 watts out
DEMI sequencer
Filter/attenuator matching transverter to power amplifier
Cables for key, input drive, output to dish, K1EL keyer (not included)
Thirty-six inch dish and Directive Systems feed
Enclosure (15.5” X 5.75” X 5.75”)
Supply 13V, 6.93A
Needs 0.5 watt drive 144 MHz.
E-mail for photos or further information.KT1J@madriver.com
$775.00 plus shipping, or pick up in Vermont.Can deliver to MUD April
15, 2023.
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