Bruce WW1M....
Regarding the airborne 2 tubers...I have one of them here, but
not sure it's really a viable device as it stands, likely good for parts...
if anyone has got one of these to play I'd be interested.
Got 2 AM6155's - one's been running on 222 for years and the other is
destined for 432
in the future... they sure make a fine self contained amp.
HELP with AMP...
I have a Tempo 6N2 here, and the metering has gone funny, (showing negative
grid current all of a sudden....)
I'm not sure if the meter/shunt has gone bad, or what...all the fixed
resistors in the voltage divider network seem to be within tolerance &.. the
plate current and plate voltage metering seems ok...idle current seems ok...
the schematic I have in the manual doesn't seem to be the same as the as
in the voltage divider network feeding the meter...
does anyone have a schematic that they can e mail me?...
thx 73 Dana VE3DSS