Lu <> wrote:
>Can only squeeze in a few minutes of operating time for this sprint...will
>put FN22 on the air 7:00-7:20pm and 10:40-11:00pm near Norwich, NY. Will be
>running a 150w brick into a loop.
Thanks for posting that. I must have missed the 2m Sprint Sprint announcement.
Definitely point your antennas to the Charleston/North Charleston/Summerville,
SC area. We've started a twice a week 2 meter PSK31 net, under leadership of
Skip Teller, KH6TY, to explore digital modes on VHF. The goal is to create a
state wide net and to increase interest and activity in VHF weak signal work.
There's quite a bit of antenna experimenting going on to establish a reliable
link between the Charleston area and Culumbia area (which is central in our
state). Skip has a fixed 2x6 stack towards Columbia and a 13B2 on a rotator.
Others have installed beams also.
I'll make every effort to be there at 8pm on my stacked loops and a small, 4
element, beam that's unfortunately in a fixed position until I get a chance to
install a rotator. It's aimed at 340 degrees, but it has a 3 dB beam width of
60 degrees or so.
--Alex KR1ST (EM92wx)
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