Call: N4BRF
Operator(s): WA2VNV
Station: N4BRF
Class: Single Op LP
QTH: EL96vk
Operating Time (hrs): 4
Band: QSOs, Grids
6: 5, 4
2: 16, 8
222: 1, 1
432: 7, 3
1.2: 2, 1
Total: 31, 17 Total Score 765
I could only operate 4 hours on Saturday due to family visiting South Florida
from the cold North. Didn't they know it was the contest weekend?!? I had the
usual Murphy problems hit my 6 meter xmtr after only making a few Q's on FT8
with the band open with some Es. No more 6 meter xmit. 432 developed a 3:1 SWR
of unknown origin & the mast preamp was getting paralyzed by a local TV
transmitter - this was new to my setup. It took a while to figure out that I
could hear stations with the preamp power off by disconnecting the power feed
to the preamp. With the power connected, the built in xmit power sensor would
switch itself out with a ~2 sec delay after transmitting where I could briefly
hear a station. After getting that resolved, I could make some normal contacts
even with the high SWR.
Anyway, I had a good time even if for only for a few hours.
73's George WA2VNV at N4BRF
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