My real simple answer is?
If you are stacking only two identical vhf yagis, stack them one above the
This decreases the beamwidth in elevation, but hardly changes the azimuth
You get the increase in gain but don?t have to point the rotor any more
The distance you stack the yagis is a function of their gain. A general
rule of thumb is half their boom length, but consult your manufacturer for
a more accurate figure.
Make sure that you consider phase, and impedance matching in your setup.
Keith WB5ZDP
> I want to stack two 903 and two 1296 loop antennas. What is the best
> arrangement? Is it best to
> stack like antennas vertically one above the other or horizontally one
> beside the other and why?
> Thanks for your insights.
> Dennis N4DD
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