Greetings all,
I am embarking on a grid hunters dxpedition which includes the January 'test
too. I will have with me the following bands and antennas:
6 meters, Icom 756 ProII with 500 watt amp, 50.180 prime frequency "test"
6 meters, Ranger 5054 25 watts while driving,
2 meters, Yaesu 480R into Mirage 1016 amp, 144.180 prime for 'test
222, Icom IC-3 into Mirage 20 watt brick, fm, agreed freq.
432, Yaesu 780R into MMT 100 watt brick, Agreed freq.
903, DEM transverter 10 watts using Kenwood 700A if. 903.100
6 meters, VE3BFM 4 elmt 8.8 dBd beam
2 meters, K1FO 12 elmt
222, K1FO 16 elmt horizontal polarization
432, K1FO 22 elmt
903, 37 elmt looper
Thursday, will travel to and operate FN05 and EN95 from Parry Sound area.
Friday, drive north to EN95, EN85 and operate
Saturday, start prior to contest in EN85 and operate first 2 hours there.
Then move east to EN95 and operate another 2 hours, allowing 30 minutes driving
time between.
Then north-west to EN96 and operate till evening.
Sunday, drive to EN86 and operate till 11 am, then on to EN76 for balance of
I will continue to operate EN76 after the contest too on Sunday. Monday I may
go to EN77 before returning and working my way back at various grids.
I welcome needed grids by all and will try to give out as many as possible.
CW is welcome on 6, hope to use it higher too.
QSL via address. Green stamps not refused. Expect delays in returning
as new QSL's need to be printed here.
Hope to work you from many grids.
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