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Re: [TowerTalk] Some Unique Heavy Lifting....

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Some Unique Heavy Lifting....
From: Kurt Andress <>
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2017 21:05:15 -0800
List-post: <>

That would be the obvious guess! But, what you don't know is that the location 
see's 25-35 mph tradewinds almost every day of the year. And, some of the 
towers are located close to the edge of a 500ft deep canyon, which creates it's 
own unique wind flow patterns, which torque the hell out of the antennas/towers 
on the edge of the cliff.
One does not get to appreciate these things by reading the posts of Towertalk 
Pundits.....I get it because I have been up there in almost every condition it 
has seen, over several years, even while repairing the broken 80M tower, in 
real time, up there while it was blowing and raining like crazy.....

Your perspective may vary...mine does not, it is a very tough place to do this!
73, Kurt, K7NV

P.S. It sees wx patterns that bring sulfuric acid rains up from the active Big 
Island volcano, so corrosion is absolutely maximized.....we had to replace some 
severely compromised EHS cables to even safely climb and work on the 40M tower 
to install the newly rebuilt prop pitch rotator to get it on-line for the 
CQWWSSB contest.....we pulled that off ~3 hours after the contest started, 
before the Contest OP crew needed to be on 40M......did the same with Kimo, 
KH7U on the 80M get the new feedlines on the newly rebuilt and 
installed 80M yagi some of you might have seen......

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2017 09:54:48 -0500
From:""  <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Some Unique Heavy Lifting....
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8

I am guessing that ice will not be an issue at KH6YY:)

John KK9A


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