Hi Y'ALL..............
Here is an antenna conundrum I wish to pose for your edification, rumination
and reflection............
I have erected 2 full size Delta Loops for 40m. I am feeding them with 1/4
wave 75 ohm transformer lines that I cut to resonant lenght here in the shack
with my analyzer. Then went out to the site and tuned each loop by trimming
the loops and reading the result at the end of each transformer line. Each
loop is tuned to the resonant freq I wish to achieve. But when each loop is
connected to a tee the combined output reads 200 mhz higher than the resonant
freq of each loop. What am I missing here ??? In hopes that the great
"Antenna Guru in the Sky" subscribes to to TT, I look forward to your
enlightened responses.........Mark K8FU
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