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[TowerTalk] Rohn 20G Tower lay down questions

Subject: [TowerTalk] Rohn 20G Tower lay down questions
From: "Don M" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 10:52:46 -0500
List-post: <>
I currently have a Rohn 20G tower which consists of 2 - 10'  and 1 - 9' top 
sections about 29' tall overall not including antenna. It has a hinged base 
which enables the tower to be layed over to the ground. I need to rework the 
top mast section which is rusted and prevents me from replacing the mast. 
How difficult is it to lay this tower down? Can it be done by just having 3 
men or so walk it down or is it too heavy to do it that way. I can run a 
guide rope from over my brick chimney which is about half way up for added 
support while lowering. The weight of the mast and antenna is nominal. From 
what I've read the weight of the 20G tower sections adds up to about 90 
pounds total. Since I was not here when the tower was installed I have no 
idea of the difficulty in laying it over manually. Can this be done? Thank 



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