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Re: [TowerTalk] [OT] Propagation

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] [OT] Propagation
From: Tony <>
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 00:58:01 -0400
List-post: <">>
> Gotta a question for any ten meter types out there. I was scanning 10
> meter beacons last night (after 2200 CDT) and tonight (after 2100
> CDT). Last night signals from Georgia and Florida were coming through
> and tonight, good signals from Wisconsin and Minnesota. I am in north
> central Texas.  No flutter on the signals nor impulse type strength
> changes.  Is this Sporadic E skip?  Seems late in the day. Maybe
> Tropo?   But didn't think ten meters exhibited Tropo type propagation.
> Mike  W5FTD

Hello Mike,

This is the season for Es so it's probably the most likely mode. If you 
could find ionosonde data along the paths you mentioned, it might show the 
foEs figures that would coincide with the 28MHz openings you witnessed.

Tony -K2MO 


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