Since I never seem to have the perfect wire size to fit my regular Cadweld
molds or the oneshots, I keep a little thin copper shim stock (I think it
was originally roof flashing material, maybe .010 thick) in my cadweld box.
I just cut a narrow strip with scissors and wrap it around the wires just
where it enters the mold until it looks like it "fits". Seems to work just
geo - n4ua
On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 8:03 AM, Jim Hoge <> wrote:
> Good morning,
> I have a question or two regarding the Oneshot molds. I picked up a box of
> them
> sized per their literature for my size wire (#4 bare, solid copper). It
> seems to
> me there is an awful lot of airspace between the metal sleeve that fits
> into the
> mold and the wire itself. Is this normal, expecting that the weld material
> will
> encapsulate the wire without too much leakage? For sticklers, the outside
> diameter of the wire is 0.205" and the inside diameter of the sleeve is
> 0.242".
> I am aware Cadweld lists a part designed to increase wire diameter but is
> this
> necessary? If so, couldn't I just wrap a small gage copper wire around the
> other
> wire thereby increasing its diameter?
> Tnx es 73,
> Jim W5QM
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