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Re: [TowerTalk] Cost effective Replacement for Yaesu G-800SA Control Box

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Cost effective Replacement for Yaesu G-800SA Control Box
From: Dick NY1E <>
Reply-to: Dick NY1E <>
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2024 20:25:44 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <>
Dave, I just wanted preset direction control and considered a Green Heron but 
opted to put an "easy rotor control" board in my old rotor and control it from 
the computer. I love it and didn't have to climb the tower! I don't even need 
the old controller in Dick NY1E

I have a Yaesu G-800 rotator on a roof tower and the motor is fine, but I
hate the controller.  I know that the RT-21 by Green Heron is an excellent
product, but @$600 is pricey, and I've never seen a used RT21 go up for

Can anyone suggest an alternative?  I am comfortable building, and am
knowledgeable in electronics. I am also OK with building an interface and
using computer software to control the motor.

I have a G-450A and am perfectly fine with the controller- the paddle
switches are easy to control with my left hand while I am sending CW or
tuning with my right.




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