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Re: [TowerTalk] Low 160m Dipole - how bad?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Low 160m Dipole - how bad?
From: David Gilbert <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 15:22:48 -0700
List-post: <>

Agree that vertical propagation is usually the way to go for transmit on 160m, although I live on a steeply sloping hillside and have had decent luck with a low Inverted-Vee on 160m in the past.

Several years ago I worked a 3B9 DXpedition on 160m using a two element wire yagi I had temporarily strung across a canyon near my house specifically to work that DXpedition.  The yagi was probably 150 feet above the canyon floor and the terrain just happened to VERY steeply slope toward 3B8 short path.  I easily worked the DXpedition and on some days I could hear them Q5 for almost an hour near my sunset.  I was the furthest west station to work them on 160m.  I operated from my car with a small solid state amp, and given the very long length of RG-8X (larger coax would have been too heavy) I couldn't have been putting more than 200 watts to the antenna.

I was pretty proud of that at the time and posted the story on the TopBand reflector.  I soon received a reply from Bob Brown, NM7M (a SK since 2007), one of the most accomplished propagation experts our hobby has ever had.  He told me that based upon the path from my QTH in southern Arizona to 3B9 coupled with the electron gyrofrequency phenomenon, horizontal polarization likely suffered an 11 dB penalty compared to vertical polarization.  Since the electron gyrofrequency effect is a function of the interaction with the earth's magnetic field, it is somewhat dependent upon the specific path involved.  I still think the brutal effort I expended repeatedly climbing those steep canyon walls to put up the wire yagi was worth it given the results I had, but probably less of a difference than I had thought.  I suspect that the steep slope provided some compensating benefit for the horizontal polarization.

I'm no expert on the subject so if I got any of this wrong please correct me.

Dave   AB7E

On 1/13/2025 1:11 PM, wrote:
I have tried a low 160m dipole/  inverted V many times from the Caribbean
and they are incredibly bad.  I had much better luck on 80m with a low
dipole.  On top band you usually need something vertically polarized for TX.

John KK9A


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