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[TowerTalk] Springtime down on the antenna farm

To: AntennaWare <>, Tower Talk <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Springtime down on the antenna farm
From: Ron Bowman <>
Reply-to: "Tower and HF antenna construction topics." <>
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 20:29:07 -0500
List-post: <">>
Hello All!

I have relocated to central Virginia (Richmond), and am in the process
of closing on a home in the country. With 2.5 acres and lots of tall
trees I will be busy planting antennae in the spring. My question: Is
there any software out there that will allow me to input the locations
of said trees to determine bearings of the wires and consequently
radiation directions. I was thinking about using the GPS for position
and elevation. I guess I could use a grid pad but it seems like a lot
of work. I would like to be able to look at potential arrays or
individual antennae for different bands or directions. Of course there
will be a tower/yagi planted in the future but I do so enjoy nurturing
wire antennae. I look forward to many interesting replies.


Amelia, VA
Future site of the VZM Institute for Advanced Wire Antenna Studies

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