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Re: [TowerTalk] cable locating--Underground Service Alert

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] cable locating--Underground Service Alert
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 00:27:40 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 8/30/2010 3:24 PM, REHill wrote:
>    Underground Service Alert, USA, and One Call Alerts, see:
>       or **
> Rich
> NU6T
> On 8/30/2010 12:05 PM, Joseph or Ruth Patrick wrote:
>> I think the point here is most everywhere has an underground locate service. 
>> You
>> call them up before you dig, They come out locate the lines and give you a
>> number or receipt that proves you called first.

In Michigan, they come out and mark the lines with paint and flags.  You 
do not receive any receipt and you may not even get a chance to talk to 
whoever does the work. When you call, you tell them where you are going 
to be digging when you call.


Roger (K8RI)
>> If the guy won't locate or mark
>> where you want complain until he does his job.I've had all utilities come on
>> private property and locate. You think there stuff does not run under private
>> property? Think again.You really don't know whats down there until you get
>> there.I had my operator sit in the machine for 2 days because the person that
>> was responsible to set up the locate did not do there job. Rip up a fiber 
>> optic
>> line that serves the hospital 2 blocks down, or how about an 8" gas line. Ask
>> Con ED if they know where all there high pressure steam lines are. They
>> don't.Your lucky if they can find the right valve to shut it down. The point 
>> is
>> if you rip out somonelses stuff you have to pay to fix it. You think my boss 
>> was
>> mad for letting that operator sit there 2 days? you bet he was. Until the the
>> next morning about 8:30 AM another operator ripped out a 6" gas line and OOPS
>> they forgot to call for a locate.We all went to the bar and got paid.Just 
>> call
>> and CYA is all you have to do.
>>    73 K4XZ Joe Patrick
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