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Re: [TowerTalk] Philly installation

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Philly installation
From: "Roger (K8RI)" <>
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 00:20:05 -0400
List-post: <">> wrote:
> In a message dated 8/31/2009 10:17:31 PM Greenwich Standard Time,  
> writes:
> Nothing  says you have to tension the cable to a particular fraction of 
> it's  breaking strength.
Except both the tower makers and the guy makers. Both say to tension 
them to 10% of breaking strength. They do that  for a reason. If you do 
not follow the manufacturer's specifications you open up for a number of 
side effects such as resonances and a tower not as "firm" when you are 
up there.   Will the "Big Grip" ends establish as good a grip at less 
initial pull?  ROHN specifies 3/16" tensioned to 400#, so the equivalent 
Phillystran would be the 4000# test cable.

Yes it's true you do not have a weight of EHS or the massive catenary.  
There is so little catenary in the 4000 and 6000# test Phillystran you 
really have to look to see it when sighting down the cable. However that 
means the guys are less likely to be able to cushion shock. I was once 
at 90 feet on a small tower guyed at 3 levels with 3/16" EHS.  Someone 
ran into the guy anchor with a small tractor. I was hooked on, but I 
ended up with both arms and legs wrapped right around that sucker. I had 
been up that tower on some pretty windy days and it was rick solid, but 
that rock solid tower suddenly took on a life who's sole purpose seemed 
to be trying to throw me as far as it could.  It's not a weaving, but 
rather a series of abrupt movements from side to side based on the 
resonance of the catenary.  With a lighter guy such as Phillystran the 
initial shock would have been immediate and the frequency much higher 
(period much shorter), but I don't know about the amplitude.  Based on 
the physics I would expect the initial shock would have been worse, but 
would have rapidly dampened out.  Which is safer? I don't know and I do 
not want to repeat the experience with either type of guy.

If you are putting up a little 40 footer with a small tribander of 
vertical on top, you  can get away with ignoring a lot of the rules and 
quite often without problems, but the larger the antenna, the taller the 
tower, and the more expense that *might* be required of your insurance 
company the less you can ignore the manufacturers specs.
On top of this is liability which I suppose I should put in all caps, but

When I purchased the guys for my tower (100' 45G) I used the 5/16, or 
6600# test, the 6600 at a 60 degree angle with the top three guys (10% 
tension = 660# each) presents a downward force of just over 1700#. IOW 
just over 80% of the tension shows up as a downward force. The middle 
guys are at 45 degrees and 4400# test with the bottom set also being 
4400 . Once before I posted the angles and tension with the resulting 
down force for the system, but don't have the ambition to do it again at 
the moment.
>  It's more a matter of the desired tension for  
> appropriate stability for the structure.  You could tension million  
> pound breaking strength cable to the same few hundred pounds as the the  
> regular non-EHS cable.
Probably not as the tower most likely couldn't support it hanging 
straight down.
> I've found that unless you tighten to specs, the tower is  "sloppier" and 
> has more play. 
As have I.
>  The sloppiness allows wind gusts to have  more of an effect 
> on the tower.

My preference is Phillystran, but you still should be installing EHS (or 
wire rope) at the guy anchors to protect the Phillystran from cuts, 
kids, tractors, and brush fires.

I prefer the Phillystran because I hang many wire antennas on the side 
that would be affected by using conductive guys.


Roger (K8RI)
And cause more wear/fatigue.

> Again, the prime directive is in effect here.  I believe the  Rohn book 
> calls for specified tensioning.
> Bill KH7XS
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