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Re: [TowerTalk] How to clamp Phillystan HPTG 1200I guy cable?

To: RVZ <>, Towertalk Reflector <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] How to clamp Phillystan HPTG 1200I guy cable?
From: n1bkb--- via TowerTalk <>
Reply-to: "" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2024 21:49:58 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <>
 Hi Dick,
Over 35-yrs ago at my previous near hill-top QTH, I guyed my 8' roof-top 
quadruped tower mounted over the peak of the 2nd story section of my home 
supporting a 15' mast holding a 4-el, wide-spaced, tri-band yagi and 18-el 2m 
yagi with Phillystran (and unfortunately for this discussion I do not remember 
the diameter of Phillystran I used). 
What I did back then was to exacting follow the Phillystran installation 
instructions ... namely using wire thimbles and cable clamps on each guy run.  
I had the same concern you expressed regarding squashing the cable so I used 
three clamps on each cable run termination (i.e. 2 thimbles and 6 clamps per 
guy run).  During the nearly 24-years it was in place, I annually checked the 
tension on each guy line (and if necessary, adjusted the turnbuckles).
Besides the 4-guy lines from the tower to the corners of the roof, I also had a 
clamp with a rotating bearing attached to the long mast just below the HF yagi 
(about 12' above the tower) and 4 more Phillystran guy runs there as well. 
Thus, there were a total of 8 Phillystran guy lines supporting the antenna 
Granted, I'm in Southern CA about 40-miles southeast of LA so I never had an 
issue with freezing temperatures, but even in the heat and constant sun 
exposure and occassional up to 50 mph Santa Ana winds, the system worked great, 
so I can't say enough good stuff about my appreciation of Phillystran.
Good luck with your installation.
Steve - N1BKB

    On Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 01:27:03 PM PDT, RVZ via TowerTalk 
<> wrote:  
 Hi Guys,
 Looking for advise on how to terminate Phillystran HPTG 1200I small diameter 
3/32" guy cable for maximum strength?  Instructions say to use 3/32" cable 
clamps and I've tried that but the small diameter Phillystran squashes down so 
small the cable strength is greatly weakened.  Perhaps I'm tightening the cable 
clamps too tight?  If so, there appears to be a real fine balance between 
getting the clamps tight enough to hold but not too tight to squash the cable 
and weaken it. Can anyone shed light on how to properly tighten the cable 
clamps for maximum cable strength on this small 3/32" diameter Phillystran? 
Thanks & 73!   Dick- K9OM  (  

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