A while ago my controller stopped indicating the antenna direction, although
everything was OK otherwise. Significant messing around later I found that a
drive belt in the controller had perished. To my amazement I found a source of
the correct belt and now it works fine again.
The direction indication was a printed translucent sheet held between two
transparent pieces of polycarbonate. Disassembling the unit to fit the new belt
made the translucent sheet fall apart - it was after all at least 20 years old.
I was able to draw a replacement sheet pretty much exactly as the original, but
I can't find the proper material to print it on. If I use a transparency it is
much too light and the works of the controller are clearly visible though it.
If I use paper, the back illumination emphasises the grain in the paper and it
looks really amateurish.
Any suggestions for the best material to use? I use an inkjet printer, but if
laser is necessary I could take it to a shop for printout. Thanks for any help.
73 Roger
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