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Re: [TowerTalk] Dismantling an old 40m beam

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Dismantling an old 40m beam
From: Richard Smith <>
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2020 16:46:15 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <>
 A few years ago, I was dis-assembling a bunch of old aluminum elements that 
were VERY stuck together. I tried the recommended soaking in solvents and 
heating up parts. I didn't have much good results. YMMV of course.
I tried something that has worked well for me, so I thought I'd pass it along. 
I use a come-a-long to pull them apart.
I set up between 2 trees. I tie a Pipe Hitch to one of the tubes and tie the 
other side of this rope to one tree. With another rope, I tie a Pipe Hitch to 
the other tube, and put a loop in the other side of this rope. One side of the 
come-a-long hooks into this loop. 
The other side of the come-a-long is attached to the other tree. Take up on the 
come-a-long to tension the ropes. Continue increasing the tension with the 
come-a-long until the two tubes separate. Watch out, because the tubes can fly 
apart with a lot of force. Don't get your body in the way of a flying tube!
This has always worked for me and the tubing is never damaged. 
Have fun and be careful!
73, Rich, N6KT

    On Friday, March 6, 2020, 05:14:15 AM PST, Tom Hellem 
<> wrote:  
Try heating the larger diameter tubing portion close to the joint while 
simultaneously cooling the smaller diameter portion which is telescoped inside 
of it. 

Tom H

> On Mar 6, 2020, at 5:48 AM, Ignacy Misztal <> wrote:
> I bought a 40m old beam that needs to be dismantled. With screws out the
> elements do not move. Any idea what to do?
> Ignacy, NO9E
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