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Topband: CQ 160 SSB contest.

To: "" <>
Subject: Topband: CQ 160 SSB contest.
From: jon jones <>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 00:42:20 +0000
List-post: <>
I got on Saturday evening to hand out a few contacts to contestants. Again the 
rain gutter antenna was pressed into service.

SSB on 160 Meters is a different animal than CW, and power with a good transmit 
antenna make a big difference. On CW one can use filters to help the signal to 
noise ratio on a weak signal. On SSB... Overall activity seemed lower than I 
recall. There was good activity from Nebraska, which I recall was sort of 
scarce in the ARRL 160 contest.

I made 24 contacts over the course of the evening. No foreign DX. The longest 
distances worked were the states of NC, PA, and VA. Most contacts much closer. 
Some contacts were fairly easy, the rest were more difficult.  But every one 
helped someone's score.

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