Hi Jim: I worked H44MY on Top-Band at 1216Z on 11-21. He was not
particularily strong here in
Central Or. I also noticed that he would not CQ very long before changing
bands. Usually only for a
few short minutes. He has had huge pile-ups of JA stations when I was
listening. He could not hear them all.
When he moved to 40 meters the pile-ups were so huge I did not even try to QSO.
I heard him again the next
day for a very brief moment at my sunrise and his signal was pretty weak. I
have heard he only has 100 watts.
I have not heard him since. Oh and dont forget he is on a different heading
than JA, about 255Deg. from
the PNW here. JA is about 310 Deg. if your using directional RX antennas. You
wont hear him on your
TX antenna unless we get a propagation miracle I do not think. I have no idea
as to his antenna or schedule.
Lee K7TJR Central OR
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