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Topband: getting ready for the STEW

Subject: Topband: getting ready for the STEW
From: <>
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2013 11:14:06 -0800
List-post: <">>
After reading all the contest reflector emails about what is important in
contesting to everyone; the main thread that interested me was the one
that talked about being excited and having fun.  So.........

I dragged out the old set I used to get the VK flying doctors baseball
cap a few years ago, a station that if you heard  me you should have been
excited, and if I heard you I should have been excited! And I was!

So in this STEW If you hear me you have heard an anemic voltaged
rockbound 6AU6/5763 MOPA keyed by a home made key, at 5 watts accurately
measured by my EICO725 SWR POWER METER.

And if I heard you, it was a with 1x2 foot loop antenna followed by two
stages 6SN7 differential RF amp followed by a 6SN7 Pullen mixer followed
by a 450 Kcs 6SN7 regen detector, with the usual assortment of audio
tubes ending up with a 6K6 to earphones. So if I move more than 25 Kcs of
so I have to touch up  8 different knobs (5 RF, 1 band set, 1 regen
control, 1 MOPA final tune).

Now we are back with a station that like that in the movie: (Honey, I
contacted the moon!) where every contact makes for an exciting  radio

mike w7dra

What? You never heard of a Pullen mixer?

Live contest youtube video forthcoming where the above station  is shown 
working actual 160 meter amateur operators.

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