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Re: Topband: Comparison of Vertical Arrays for Low Band Receiving

Subject: Re: Topband: Comparison of Vertical Arrays for Low Band Receiving
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 02:13:16 -0800
List-post: <>
On 1/23/2025 1:43 AM, wrote:
I don’t want to suggest this is a summary dismissal to using a preamp for a Beverage as there may be times when it 
could be beneficial, as you note below. I believe we all agree every person’s installation will vary and a preamp 
may add some benefit, but adding one just because a person “thinks” they need one isn’t a valid 
reason!!  😊

This is clearly the operative issue, Joel. If we're lucky enough to be in a very quiet location, a preamp at the feedpoint of a Beverage, especially a short one, could matter. But in my part of the real world, with far too many noise sources, it's dancing on the head of a pin. 15 years ago, I made good use of RX antennas. I could work EU on CW. That's ancient history. I had a goal of QRP WAS on Topband, and am down to needing WV, SC and VT, all CW. That was ten years ago. Worked WV on JT65. Sked with a great station in VT was a bust. The noise has made a huge dent in weak signal work. During the last solar minima, I picked up a bunch of EU countries on FT8. In the last eight years, I've copied 7 CW signals from EU, and 2 stations have heard me. With the same antennas I had in 2006.

Now, only the full wave Beverages pointing to SA and VK/ZL are useful, and they're one solar system away from useless.

73, Jim K9YC

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