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Topband: 3” Air Dux Coil Stock

To: "" <>
Subject: Topband: 3” Air Dux Coil Stock
From: Bill Eisinger <>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 15:18:34 +0000
List-post: <>
I’m working on an opportunity to purchase some Air Dux 2404TL coil stock for an 
antenna matching project I’m working on. 2404 is the 3” diameter , #10, 4 tpi 
coil that is used in a variety of matching applications including K2AV’s FCP 
design for an 80m match.

As far as I can tell, there is no current (or recent for that matter) retail 
source for this particular coil stock. Nebraska Surplus Sales, RF Parts, etc 
have some Air Dux in their inventory but none of this size. I’m  looking at 
purchasing directly from Barker & Williamson but because they are a wholesale 
supplier the minimum purchase will be 10 units. 

I will know the definitive price sometime next week but I thought I’d toss this 
out to see if there is enough interest in the group that I can take a flyer and 
buy 10 sections  of the coil stock…each section is 10” long and based on the 
last retail price I’m aware from a few years ago, I’m pretty sure they will be 
somewhere north of $100 per section…I’ll know how far north in a few days.

Respond back to me directly if you have any interest in obtaining a section of 
the coil stock and once I know the actual price we can move forward with 
getting some if there is enough interest.

Bill, AA7X

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