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Re: Topband: Protecting an Array Solutions K9AY Loop from Transmitted RF

To: 'topband reflector' <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Protecting an Array Solutions K9AY Loop from Transmitted RF
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2019 02:52:30 -0600
List-post: <>
I use these at W5ZN. They are excellent.

73 Joel W5ZN

On 2019-10-11 10:07, Tim Duffy wrote:
Hello Pete:

This is the RX limiter we use to protect front ends at K3LR.

It works very well.

Tim K3LR

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of N4ZR
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 7:50 AM
To: Alan Swinger; topband reflector
Subject: Re: Topband: Protecting an Array Solutions K9AY Loop from
Transmitted RF

Array Solutions no longer handles the K9AY components, which actually
came from K9RU's Wolf RF Systems.  It looks like the ICE limiter is
still out there, and reasonably priced, but I have no idea whether it's
a good design - it's pretty old - or just a pair of diodes back to back.
73, Pete N4ZR
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On 10/10/2019 10:08 PM, Alan Swinger wrote:
I use a Model 197 RF Limiter/Arrestor by Industrial Comms Engineers for my K9AY Loop. I think I got it from DX Eng ~ 10 yrs ago, but also chk w/ Array Solutions since I think they now handle the K9AY Loop. - Alan K9MBQ

-----Original Message-----
From: N4ZR <>
Sent: Oct 10, 2019 9:30 PM
To: topband reflector <>
Subject: Topband: Protecting an Array Solutions K9AY Loop from Transmitted RF
I'm in the process of building up a K9AY loop, using the Array 
boxes, and it occurred to me that I probably need to work out some 
to protect the preamp in the shack-end box from transmitted RF,
particularly since the K9AY loop is only about 60 feet from the vertical
leg of my inverted L and I'll be running 1500 watts.

I can see maybe cutting off the DC to the preamp, but figure that won't be enough. Alternatively, I can probably work out a way to either open
or short the feedline coming into the indoor box where the preamp is.
Any advice as to which would be best (opening or shorting)? I only have
one spare transistor.

Advice much appreciated


73, Pete N4ZR
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